P., Au siège de la Société Géologique de France, 1958, 1 vol. in-4 (25 x 33 cm) br. de 50 pp + 8 planches.Couverture insolée par endroits + cachet biffé sinon bel exemplaire.
Reference : 4548
Mémoire N°82 de la Nouvelle Série Tome XXXVII, Fascicule 1, feuilles 1 à 3 des "Mémoires de la Société Géologique de France" publiés avec le concours du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Bouquinerie Aurore
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1958 50 p., 8 plates with explanatory text leaves, 24 text illustrations including maps and transects, 4to. Original printed wrappers.The present study shows that the highest parts of the Himalayas once were the bottom of an ocean. A fine monograph which includes the description and illustration of several new species. Published in the society's Mémoires. Uncut. A near mint copy.
1958. 50 p., 8 plates with explanatory text leaves, 24 text illustrations including maps and transects, 4to. Original printed wrappers.The present study shows that the highest parts of the Himalayas once were the bottom of an ocean. A fine monograph which includes the description and illustration of several new species. Published in the society's Mémoires. Uncut. Typed title pasted on the spine, otherwise a very good clean copy.