Paris, Pavillon, 1998, Cartonnage éditeur, Très bon état
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Blent, J. Peoples of Turkey. Twenty years among Bulgarians, Greeks, Turks, Albanians, and Armenians, the daughter and wife of the consul./Blent, Dzh. Narody Turtsii. Dvadtsat let prebyvaniya sredi bolgar, grekov, turok, albantsev i armyan docheri i zheny konsula. Blent, J. Peoples of Turkey. Twenty years among Bulgarians, Greeks, Turks, Albanians and Armenians, the daughter and wife of the consul. St. Petersburg: 1879. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-3b9be25e084550b9.
Dumas A. 1. Ten years later. Viscount de Bragelon. In 3 volumes. 2. Twenty years later. In 2 volumes. 3. The Three Musketeers. A set of 6 books. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Dyuma A. 1. Desyat let spustya. Vikont de Brazhelon. V 3-kh tomakh. 2. Dvadtsat let spustya. V 2-kh tomakh. 3. Tri mushketera. Komplekt iz 6-ti knig. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).-L. Academia. 1928-1937. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb30579bbc7f457ff3
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Dumas A. The Three Musketeers. Twenty years later. Ten years later in three volumes. /Dyuma A. Tri mushketera. Dvadtsat' let spustya. Desyat' let spustya v 3 tomakh. 5 volumes from Dumas's Gift Edition by Intrade Corporation M. Intrade Corporation. 1996. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb683b4f6b65202256
The Renaissance Society of America. 1962. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 329 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
CONTENTS: Studies on Renaissance Humanism during the Last Twenty Years, PAUL OSKAR KRISTELLER. Lodrisio Crivelli of Milan and Aeneas Sylvius, 1457-1464, LESLIE F. SMITH. Fifteenth-century Diplomatic Documents in Western European Archives and Libraries, VINCENT ILARDI. The French Renaissance Monarchy as Seen through the Estates General, J. RUSSELL MAJOR. The Humanist Idea of Christian Antiquity: Lefèvre d’E tapies and his Circle, EUGENE F. RICE, JR. The Two Lost Years of Erasmus, J. K. SOWARDS. Erasmus, Colet, and the Schoolboy Jesus, JAMES HENRY RIEGER. The Elysium of Julius Caesar Bordonius, J. F. C. RICHARDS. John Bale’s Nondramatic Works of Religious Controversy, RAINER PINEAS. Denis Lambin, Humanist, Courtier, Philologist, and Lecteur Royal, LINTON C. STEVENS. Ronsard and the Gallic Hercules Myth, ROBERT E. HALLOWELL. William Harrison (1535—1593), GEORGES EDELEN. The Elizabethan Motet: a Study of Texts for Music, JOSEPH KERMAN. The Implications of Form for The Shepheardes Calender, S. K. HENINGER, JR. The Later Version of Nicolas Poussin’s Achilles in Scyros, RICHARD W. WALLACE. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
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Davydov M. A. Twenty years before the Great War. Russian modernization of Witte-Stolypin./Davydov M. A. Dvadtsat let do Velikoy voyny. Rossiyskaya modernizatsiya Vitte-Stolypina.. E6