Tokyo Graphic-Sha publishing 1987 1 vol. relié in-4, cartonnage toilé sous jaquette illustrée, 92 pp., nombreuses photos en couleurs de Takashi Imoto. Très bon état.
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New York: Weatherhill, 1974 in-4, 174 pages, 169 illustrations. Glossaire, cartonné, jaquette, bon état. Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art Series Volume 11.
Sculpture of the Kamakura Period. (New York: Weatherhill, 1974) [M.C.: Japon, art japonais]
Edo Fujiokaya Keijiro 1844
Original woodblock print on mulberry paper. This is the centre panel from the colour woodblock triptych entitled 'Kamakura Buei Yoshi Kagami'. Minamoto no Yoritomo was the founder and the first shogun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan, ruling from 1192 until 1199. There was a film made in 1945 about his relationship with his brothers entitled Tora no O o Fumu Otokotachi: The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail. In this print he is actually depicted with his famous tiger's tail! The other panels are not with this. It has rough edges and is delicate, with signs of reinforcement on the verso. 360 x 240 mm (14Œ x 9œ inches).
New York - Tokyo 1974 Weatherhill Hardcover 1st Edition
Sculpture of the Kamakura Period (Heibonsha Survey of Japanese Art Series Vol 11) 235 x 185 mm, Hardcover, publisher's tape, dust wrapper 174 pg, fine condition
Maison Franco-Japonaise, Chez l’Auteur 1950 In-4. Reliure demi-toile écrue, pièce de titre imprimée et contrecollée, XXIV-449 pp., notes en bas de page. Bon exemplaire.
Bon état d’occasion
Tokyo, Journal Maïnichi 1987 In-4 28 x 22,5 cm. Broché, premier plat de couverture illustré en couleurs, 325 pp., 35 planches en couleurs, 143 dessins et gravures,catalogue, iconographie de Géricault, chronologie, bibliographie, liste des expositions, table des matières. Exemplaire en très bon état.
Texte en japonais et en français. Très bon état d’occasion