London Octopus books, coll. "All colour book of" 1973 1 vol. relié in-4 (295 x 220 mm), cartonnage sous jaquette illustré de l'éditeur, 70 pp., nombreuses reproductions en couleurs. Très bon état.
Reference : 61938
ISBN : 0706402324
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conformes aux usages de la Librairie ancienne et moderne et, pour l'étranger, aux règlements en matière de paiement. Les prix indiqués sont nets, en euros. Frais de port en sus à la charge du destinataire.
J.M. Dent and co 1900 in16. 1900. Broché. petits format in 16 - 25 pièces du théâtre de Shakespeare (texte anglais) - 6e édition - King Heny VI (part I II) + Timon of Athens + Antony and Cleopatra + King John + King Henry VIII + The Merry wices of windsor + King Henry VI (part I II III) + King Lear + King Richard III + Othello + The Sonnets + Much ado about nothing + The tempest + Measure for measure + Hamlet + Pericles + The Merchant of Venice + All's well that ends well + The comedy of errors + Romeo and Juliet + Coriolanus + The rape of Lucrecce + Titus Andronicus + Troilus and Cressida + Two gentlemen of Verona
Bon Etat général couvertures frottées coiffes dégarnies intérieur propre rousseurs dans les plats intérieurs dorure sur tranche supérieure - circa 1900
Kiøbenhavn, 1807-25. Small 8vo. Bound in 9 contemporary brown half calf bindings with richly gilt spines. Bindings with some wear, especially capitals and corners. Vol. 2 with part of spine glued back on. Some brownspotting. No engraving in vol. one (as otherwise mentioned on the title-page).
Scarce complete run of all 9 volumes of the first edition of the fist Danish edition of Shakespeare's Tragic Works, containing the first editions of the first translations into Danish of several of Shakespeare's tragic works: Romeo and Juliet" Julius Caesar Richard II Henry IV Henry V Henry VI Richard III Coriolanus King John Henry VIII Cymbeline" As You Like It. The first volume is in the very rare first printing (usually it is found in the second, revised edition from 1811). These nine volumes constitute the entire ""Tragic Works"", begun by the renowned Danish translator Peter Foersom, who finished the first four volumes and left part of the fifth in manuscript, when he died in 1817. After his death, P.F. Wulf continued the great task of translating Shakespeare's Tragic works into Danish, finishing the fifth volume and doing the last four on his own (1818-1825).The first four volumes contain:Julius Caesar" Hamlet King Lear Romeo and Juliet Richard II Henry IV Henry V. Of these, the following have been translated and printed before: Hamlet (1777), King Lear (1790-92), but the rest of them are in the first Danish translations, first printings.Volume five consists in Henry VI, and volumes six to nine: Henry VI (continued) Richard III Othello Coriolanus King John Henry VIII Cymbeline As You Like It. Of these, the following have been translated and printed before: Othello (1792), Cymbeline (1792), but the rest of them are in the first Danish translations, first printings.The present translations of Shakespeare's works are considered the most important in Danish literature and became the standard version of the works. The first edition of these translations are quite scarce, especially all nine volumes together, and with the first volume in the first issue.(PMM 122 - first edition).
Tallandier 1980 370 pages in8. 1980. Broché. 370 pages.
dos et couverture légèrement défraîchis tranches légèrement fânées intérieur propre bonne tenue
Cal 1962 286 pages in12. 1962. Relié. 286 pages.
etat correct exemplaire n°13249 jaquette rhodoïd taches rousseurs tranche tête
Barnet 1983 in8. 1983. Broché.
Bon Etat de conservation coins un peu frottés couv. un peu défraîchie intérieur propre