‎TOUSSAINT (Jean-Philippe).‎
‎La télévision.‎

‎Paris Editions de Minuit 1997 1 vol. Broché in-8, broché, non coupé, 269 pp. Edition originale. Un des 76 exemplaires numérotés sur vergé de Vizille, seul grand papier.‎

Reference : 56926


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5 book(s) with the same title

‎DINSDALE, A. (ed.)‎

Reference : 40916


‎Television. A Monthly Magazine. Vol. 1, No.1, 1928. The World's first Television Journal. The Official Organ of the Television Society. - [THE WORLD'S FIRST TELEVISION JOURNAL]‎

‎(London, The Television Press), 1928. 8vo. Original illustrated coloured wrappers depicting a distinguished couple enjoying the opera transmitted on television, with the actual opera in the background. Richly illustrated throughout. A bit of minor spotting to front wrapper" all in all a very nice, fully intact, copy. 52 pp + one loose leaf: ""Supplement to Television, No. 1 - March, 1928"" (containing the article ""Seeing Across the Atlantic!"").‎

‎The first printing of the uncommon (especially in wrappers) first volume, first number of the world's first television journal, which contains many very important articles in the history of the development of television and which came to highly influence the use and spreading of the television as a broadcast medium.The journal ""Television"", ""The first periodical publication devoted to television, began publication in 1928, the year that marked the beginning of television's transformation from scientific curiosity to commercially viable broadcast medium."" (Hook & Norman, p. 205).The most important year for television as we know it today must be said to be 1928, the year in which it became certain that television could be more than a scientific curiosity, the same year that the ""Television"" journal, aimed at both amateurs and professionals and filled with commercials connected to television, appeared. ""In 1927 television was belived to be just around the corner. This imminence became a fact in 1928..."" (Shiers, p. 132).""Television"" served as the official journal of the Television Society, ""a combination which met the needs and interests of amateurs as well as professionals."" (Shiers, p. 132). ""Of all scientific subjects, perhaps the one which is creating the most interest in the public mind at the present time is television. It is, howevera subject upon which almost no literature or authentic information has been available, either to the interested amateur or to the scientist. It is the object of this, the first journal of its kind in the world, to fill this want, and to supply an organ the sole object of which will be to keep interested members of the public supplied with up-to-date and authentic information upon this new branch of science, which bids fair in time to rival wireless broadcasting in importance and popularity."" (beginning of the Editorial, by Dinsdale).Hook and Norman, Originas of Cyberspace, nr. 203, (1) (""A monthly magazine devoted to the interests and progress of the science of seeing by wire and wireless"" - the front wrapper of vol. 1, no. 1 depicted). Shiers, Early Television, a Bibliographic Guide, nr. 1152 (""Greetings to the World's first Television Journal""), 1153 (""The Bith of the Television Society""), 1154 (""Technical Notes""), 1155 (""Technical Notes""), 1156 (""Commercial Televsion. When may we expect it?""), 1157 (""Join the Television Society""), 1158 (""How to make a Simple Televisor""), 1159 (""Television on the Continent""), 1160 (""Noctovision. Seeing in total Darkness by Television""), 1161 (""Seeing Across the Atlantic"", being the account of Baird's transmission from London to New York).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,000.00 (€1,072.98 )

‎Chancel Jacques Bouldouyre Alain‎

Reference : 100109639


ISBN : 9782259212229

‎Dictionnaire amoureux de la télévision‎

‎Plon 2011 720 pages 13 2x4 2x19 6cm. 2011. Broché. 720 pages.‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

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EUR11.00 (€11.00 )

‎Ministère De L'éducation Nationale‎

Reference : 289460


‎Information des professeurs 2e cycle premier album d'images mathématiques + information des professeurs 1er cycle "apprentissage" - émission de la télévision scolaire --- Radio télévision scolaire‎

‎Nathan / TSF 1965 in8. 1965. Information des professeurs 2e cycle premier album d'images mathématiques + information des professeurs 1er cycle "apprentissage" - émission de la télévision scolaire --- Radio télévision scolaire‎

‎Bon Etat général couverture un peu défraîchie intérieur propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎DAVID Pierre / DELBORD Yvon / DEVAUX Jean / JEAN Maurice / SOLLIMA Mario / ANGEL Yves / ANGLES D'AURIAC Henri / MARTY Roger / GUITRY Sacha / LALOU Etienne / TCHERNIA Pierre / CHARENSOL Georges / MARGARITIS Gilles / BRIVE Pierre / ROBIDA Michel / COUSTEAU Jacques-Yves / VEDRES Nicole / JOBIT Pierre Mgr / EY Henri Docteur / GANDON Yves / MAURIAC Claude / DELPECH Janine / MAC ORLAN Pierre ‎

Reference : 575


‎CONNAISSANCE de la TELEVISION, Aspects techniques, artistiques et psychologiques .‎

‎ 1958 Paris, Editions du Tambourinaire, 1958, format 260x215mm, broché, 310 pages, nombreuses illustrations photographiques sur l'ensemble de l'ouvrage, exemplaire en bon état.‎

‎Sommaire : PREMIERE PARTIE ( TECHNIQUE ) : Introduction historique par Pierre David, Principes fondamentaux de la Télévision en noir et blanc par Yvon Delbord, L'Oeil impose à la Télévision sa technique par Jean Devaux, Développement actuel de la Télévison en France et dans le Monde par Maurice Jean, Applications scientifiques, pédagogiques et industrielles de la Télévision par Mario Sollima, Applications militaires par Pierre David, Studios et reportages, installations, exploitations techniques par Yves Angel, Télévision de demain, couleur, relief et autres merveilles par Henri Angles d'Auriac, La Télévision dans l'économie française par Roger Marty, DEUXIEME PARTIE ( ARTISTIQUE ) : Ce que devrait être la Télévision par Sacha Guitry, La Critique et la Télévision par Etienne Lalou, Reportages en direct ( Que l'objectif reste objectif ) par Pierre Tchernia, Cinéma et Télévision par Georges Charensol, Cirque et Music-hall par Gilles Margaritis, Les Variétés par Pierre Brive, La Télévision et les Echanges internationaux par Michel Robida, La Télévision sous-marine par le Commandant Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Une Faune électronique par Nicole Vedres, TROISIEME PARTIE ( PSYCHOLOGIQUE ) : Rôle éducateur de la Télévision par Mgr Pierre Jobit, Hygiène mentale et Télévision ( Emprise de l'image visuelle ) par le Docteur Henri Ey, La Télévision au foyer par Yves Gandon, Hygiène du Téléspectateur ( Discipline - Posologie ) par Claude Mauriac, L'Inconnue dans la maison par Jeanine Delpech, De la Télévision sentimentale par Pierre Mac Orlan . ‎

Phone number : 07 70 79 25 54

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 43151


‎Symposium on Television. A Group of Five Papers Describing the Apparatus and Methods Used in the Experimental Demonstration of Television over Communication Channels of the Bell System, April, 1927. - [BELL SYSTEM'S FAMOUS TELEVISION-ISSUE.]‎

‎(USA, American Telephone and Telegraph Company, 1927). 8vo. Original printed blue wrappers. Punched for 3-ring binder. Spine worn, a bit of soiling to wrappers, inner hinges a bit weak. Internally fine and clean. (2), 9 + (3), 44 + 12 + 17, (3) + 20 pp. Illustrated.‎

‎Separate reprint of 5 articles published a month before in ""The Bell System Technical Journal. Four of the present articles on the early development of television were exceedingly influential, among these the paper by Frank Gray, who conducted groundbreaking research on the development of television, and Edward Nelson's important ""Radio transmission for television"". All four articles listed in ""Early Television, A Bibliographic Guide to 1940"". ""The chief problems presented in the accomplishment of television are discussed. These are: the resolution of the scene into a series of electrical signals of adequate intensity for transmission" the provision of a transmission channel capable of transmitting a wide band of frequencies without distortion means for utilizing the transmitted signals to re-create the image in a form suitable for viewing by one or more observers" arrangement for the accurate synchronization of the apparatus at the two ends of the transmission channel."" (From the introduction to the present volume).The papers contained in the present volume are:1. Ives, Herbert E. Television, pp. 1-9.2. Gray, Frank, & J. W. Horton & R. C. Mathes. The production and utilization of television signals, pp. 1-44. (ET)3. Stoller, H. M. & E. R. Morton. Synchronization of television, pp. 1-12. 4. Gannett, D. K. & E. I. Green. Wire transmission system of television, pp. 1-17. 5. Nelson, Edward L. Radio transmission for television, pp.1-20. Early Television:1068.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

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