John Wiley and Sons , Series of Books from the Research Program of the Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1961 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, under dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 334 pages
Reference : Cyb-1719
second printing Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contributors, Contents, x, Text, 324 pages - Mason Haire : Introduction recurrent themes and general issues in organization theory - E. Wight Bakke : Concept of social organization - R.M. Cyert and J.G. March : A behavioral theory of organizational objectives - Anatol Rapaport : A logical task as a research tool in organizational theory - Chris Argyris : Understanding human behavior in organizations - William Foote Whyte : An interaction approach to the theory of organization - Rensis Likert : A motivation approach to a modified theory of organization and management - Robert Dubin : Stability of human organizations - Darwin Cartwright : The potential contribution of graph theory to organizational theory - Mason Haire : Biological models and empirical histories of the growth of organizations - Jacob Marschak : Efficient and viable organizational forms - Index very small parts of the jacket are torn, with very small missings, otherwise fine copy
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John Wiley & Sons, Research Program of the Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California, 1961 15 x 23, 324 pp., any figures and tables, cartonnage, éditeur, Très bon état - 2nd edition
"Organization: theory, concept, objectives - Human behavior in organizations; Interaction approach, motivation approach - Stability of Human organizations; The potential contribution of graph theory to organization theory - Biological models and empirical "