Pergamon Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1965 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, under dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 386 pages
Reference : 63321
many figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Editor's introduction, Kh. S. Koshtoyants - List of Kh. S. Koshtoyants 'most important publications, xxii, Text, 364 pages - On the order of the ontogenetic development of nerve mechanisms controlling gastro-intestinal activity, some material on the mechanism responsible for the development of inhibitory influences in early development - The cholinolytic properties of bee venom and its blocking effect on ganglia - The development and localization of cortical inhibition in the elements of conditional reflex arc - Biochemical changes during reflex stimulation - The origins of patterned nervous discharge - The importance of potassium ions in the mechanisms of spreading cortical Leao depression - Some pathways in the evolution of interoceptive signalling - Acetylcholine metabolism in radiation sickness - Evolution of electrophysiological varieties among sensory receptor systems - Genesis of excitatory transmitter in the brain of dogs - Changes in muscle proteins in some pathological states - Evolution of functions in the higher divisions of the central nervous system and their regulating mechanisms - Changes in the K+ion concentration in the extracellular space of the rat cortex in relation to various forms of electrical activity - Further investigations on an inhibitory substance extracted from brain - Evolutionary concepts of brain function following Darwin and Spencer - The physiological role of chemical transmitters in ontogenesis, an examination of the enzychemical basis of motor activity in mollusc embryos - The role of tissue sulphydryl groups in the production of afferent impulse discharge from interceptors - Chemical factors controlling ion movements during nerve activity - Problem in muscular excitation in the anthozoa - The heat-regulating mechanism and its development in poikilo-thermic animals - The evolution of muscle - Some problems on neuromuscular activity and behaviour in the elementary nervous system - The importance of afferentation in the development of rhytmic activity of the respiratory centre in fish - Anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates in cardiac muscle tissue in the normal state and in experimental myocarditis - Therapeutic action of thiol compounds in the infective process - Functional and biochemical analysis of the actions of acetylcholine and atropine on cardiac muscle - Configurational and hydrolytic changes in proteins caused by cellular stimulation and injury - The various types of catecholamine conversion in animal tissues - Comparative neurophysiology, its aims and its present status - Evolution of physiological mechanisms of tonus in the vertebrates - Name and subject index near fine copy, no markings except a track at ink in the margin of one page, the top corners of the dust-jacket are lightly torn, without missings
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