Dover Publications , Dover Books on Physics and Chemistry Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's blue wrappers, illustrated by a 19th century endgravings of a telescope grand In-8 1 vol. - 472 pages
Reference : 100757
196 illustrations in black and white 1979's reprint of the 1955 edition Contents, Chapitres : Foreword, Preface, Contents, xvi, Text, 456 pages - 1. The beginning of the astronomical observation, Ionian and Pythagorean cosmology, Alexandrian school, Arabian instruments, the Copernican system, work of Tycho Brahe - 2. Alhazen and Vitello, Bacon's references to magnifying glasses, invention of spectacles, Leonard Diggs - Bourne's remark on lenses, First refracting telescope by Lippershey, Metius and Jansen - 3. Galileo, sunspot observation and Harriot's similar work, publication of Il Saggiatore and the Dialogues, Scheiner's helioscope - 4. Descartes failure to improve the telescope, Hevelius and Huygens, Huygens' serial telescope, 17th century methods of lens making, Cassini in Paris, Campani and Divini - 5. Newton's dispersion investigation, Gregorian Newtonian and Cassegrain systems, Hadley's 6-inch Newtonian, Gregorian by Short, Mirror construction by Mudge and Edwards - 6. Gascoigne and Picard, Auzout and Hooke, Römer's invention of the transit instrument, Quadrant of Langlois, Sharp and Graham - 7. Herschel at Bath, Schröter at Lilienthal, infra-red radiation - 8. Hall's chromatic lens, achromatic telescope by J. Dollond, researches of Euler, Klingenstierna, Clairaut and d'Alembert, Ramsden's Shuckburgh equatorial - 9. Guinand's flint-glass, Glassmaking at Benediktbeuern, Fraunhofer, Blair and Barlow, optical work of Tulley - 10. Rosse with compound specula, Nasmyth specula, Lassell's equatorial, De la Rue pioneers photography, the Kew photoheliograph, Pritchard at Oxford - 11. Cassini IV and Ramsden, J. and E. Troughton and W. Simms, Heliometer by Repsolds, Gambey, Gautier and Secrétan - 12. First American observatories - 13. Liebig's silvering processes, Steinhell and Foucault, Grubb's Melbourne telescope, H. Draper, Brashears, Dawes, Calver, siderostat and coeloestat - and so on, and so on (Zeiss) - Index minor folding tracks on the corners of the wrappers which remains near fine, lightly yellowing, inside is in good condition, no markings, the top margin of the last 30 pages is slightly curvling, it remains a good reading copy of this very complete study on the history of the telescope from Alexandrian School untill 1960 (Schefflet's coronaviser) - Dover Edition
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