Tomash Publishers , The History of Modern Physics, 1800-1950 Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover, editor's binding, full blue printed clothes, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 279 pages
Reference : 100524
16 plates out of text with 21 black and white illustrations (complete), a fac-simile of a postcard writen by Fermi at the beginning Second reprinting edition, 1987 with a new content, (first was 1954) "Contents, Chapitres : Introduction, fac-similé, contents, list of illustrations, xii, Text, 267 pages - Laura Capon Fermi (Rome, 16 June 1907 Chicago, 26 December 1977) was an Italian and naturalized-American writer and political activist. She was the wife of Nobel Prize physicist Enrico Fermi. - Laura Capon was born in Rome in 1907. Capon met Enrico Fermi while she was a student in general science at the University of Rome. The couple married in 1928. They had two children: a daughter, Nella (19311995), and a son, Giulio (19361997), named after Enrico's older brother, who had died in 1915. In 1936 Laura joined Ginestra Amaldi, wife of Edoardo Amaldi, to write a book relating alchemy and the nuclear transmutation performed by their mates. In 1938, the Fermis emigrated to the United States to escape the anti-Jewish laws of the Fascist government of Benito Mussolini; Laura was Jewish. Though Fermi's prestige and membership in the Royal Academy of Italy could have mitigated the impact of the laws, they chose to leave instead. They traveled to Stockholm to receive Fermi's Nobel prize, and left from Stockholm for the United States, where Fermi had accepted a position at Columbia University. They were naturalized as Americans in 1944. In 1954 Laura resumed writing. Her book Atoms in the Family, about her life with Enrico, appeared shortly before he died of stomach cancer. (source : Wikipedia)" few foxings on the right side of the book but not inside, else fine copy, no markings, no jacket as issued, complete of the 16 plates
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