Printed by The Imperial Press in Berlin, sans date ( ca 1930 ), plaquette agrafée format 220x130mm, 44 pages + 1 carte dépliante en fin de volume, couverture très légèrement salie sinon bon exemplaire.
Reference : 10761
Published by The Bund Deutscher Verkehrsvereine, with the co-operation of The German State railways.EDITION ANGLAISE .
Librairie Franck Launai
M. Franck Launai
15bis grande rue - clis-
44350 Guerande
07 70 79 25 54
Tous les prix sont nets les frais à la charge du destinataire envoi en recommandé à partir de 23 Euros à toute commande se fait par E.MAIL ou téléphone le règlement se fait par chèque avant l'envoi du ou des ouvrages les livres sont en bon état sauf indications contraires envoi de listes thématiques sur demande
BLOOMSBURY 3PL 1983 304 pages 16 5x24 1x2cm. 1983. Cartonné jaquette. 304 pages.
Très bon état de conservation intérieur propre avec sa jaquette
Routledge 1986 304 pages 13 2x1 6x21 4cm. 1986. Broché. 304 pages.
Bon état bonne tenue trace d'étiquette sur le 2e plat intérieur propre
Reference : alba5afb2ea582111bb
OLD BOOK OF CHESS DR EMANUEL Lasker 1909 GERMANY. In English (ask us if in doubt)/OLD BOOK OF CHESS DR EMANUEL Lasker 1909 GERMANY. OLD BOOK OF CHESS DR EMANUEL Lasker 1909 GERMANY. In English (ask us if in doubt)/OLD BOOK OF CHESS DR EMANUEL Lasker 1909 GERMANY. SKUalba5afb2ea582111bb.
Reference : alb817d15e129a70392
Kolrausch F. Peer P. Bartenev. History of Germany from ancient times to 1851. In two parts. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kol'raush F. Per. P. Barteneva. Istoriya Germanii s drevneyshikh vremen do 1851 goda. V 2-kh chastyakh. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).The classic work of the famous German historian and pedagogue Friedrich Kohlrausch (1780-1867) devoted to the history of Germany from ancient times to the middle of the nineteenth century. The monograph is preceded by a historical and ethnographic sketch that examines the influence of the peculiarities of Germany's geography and climate on the historical process of the formation of German statehood. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb817d15e129a70392
Reference : albec9b88688e9b9f7c
Funds of the Soviet military administration in Germany in the State Archives of the Russian Federation. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Fondy sovetskoy voennoy administratsii v Germanii v gosudarstvennom arkhive RF.. Part 1: Catalogue of the Affairs of the Soviet Military Administration in Germany (1945-1953). Part 2: Catalogue of the Affairs of the Funds of the Directorates of the Soviet Military Administration in the Provinces and Federal Lender Other Soviet Organizations in Germany and the Control Board of the Moscow Union Union Chronograph 2004. 784 and 320 p. SKUalbec9b88688e9b9f7c.