P., Fayard, 1942, in 12 broché, 271 pages ; couverture défraichie.
Reference : 46175
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Librairie ancienne le Bouquiniste Cumer-Fantin
M. Jean Paul Cumer-Fantin
34 rue Michelet
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1 volume in-8° broché, 312 p. - Planches hors-texte. Non coupé. Très bon état.
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1 volume in-8° relié plein cuir vert éditeur décoré, 428 p. + documents hors-texte, ressauts de cahiers suite à choc ou compression sinon très bon état. _
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1 volume in-8° broché, 491 p. + illustrations. Très bel état.
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1 volume in-8° broché, XXXIX + 272 p. + illustrations, légèrement insolé sinon très bon état non coupé.
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Londres, John Cumberland, John Fairburn, 1823-1825. In-4 oblong de 22 planches (33,5 x 21,5 cm) montées sur onglet, demi toile verte, dos lisse, titre doré frappé en long (relié vers 1880).
Album factice réunissant vingt-deux planches coloriées et gravées d'après Carle Vernet par le célèbre illustrateur et caricaturiste britannique George Cruikshank (1792 –1878) :Napoleon Bonaparte on his Celebrated White Charger. London, John Fairburn, November 7, 1823 ; Napoleon Forcing the Passage of the Bridge of Arcola. London, John Fairburn, April 2, 1823 ; Napoleon at the Sanguinary Battle on the Bridge of Lodi. London, John Fairburn, May 10, 1823 ; Napoleon & Augereau, in the Heat of the Tremendous Battle of St. George. London, John Fairburn, June 2, 1823 ; Napoleon & Massena Defeating the Austrian Army, at the Terrible Battle of Roveredo. London, John Fairburn, August 1, 1823 ; Napoleon at the Passage and Battle of the River Tagliamento. London, John Fairburn, September 11, 1823 ; The Attack and Capture of Naples, by the French, After a Most Obstinate Resistance. London, John Cumberland, December 27, 1823 ; Napoleon Defeating the Mamelukes, at the Battle of the Pyramids, Near Cairo. London, John Fairburn, October 7, 1823 ; Napoleon, & Kleber, Defeating the Mamelukes, at the Battle of Mount Thabor. London, John Fairburn, March 1, 1824 ; Napoleon Defeating the Turkish Pacha, at the Battle of Aboukir. London, John Fairburn, September 22, 1824 ; Napoleon and his Army Effecting the Wonderful Passage of the Alps, at Mount St. Bernard. London, John Fairburn, July 1, 1823 ; Napoleon's Decisive Victory Over the Austrians at the Battle of Marengo. London, John Fairburn, August 14, 1824 ; Napoleon, When First Consul, & Madame Josephine, (His First Wife) in the Garden at Malmaison. London, John Fairburn, November 26, 1824 ; Napoleon Receiving the Sword of General Mack, on the Capitulation of Ulm. London, John Cumberland, December 29, 1824 ; Napoleon's Bivouac on the Night Preceding the Memorable Battle of Austerlitz. London, John Cumberland, May 1, 1824 ; Napoleon Receiving from General Rapp the Austrian Standard, Surrendered at Austerlitz. [London, John Fairburn, July 1, 1824 ; Napoleon's Entrance into the City of Berlin. London, John Cumberland, August 27, 1825. Napoleon Defeating the Prussian Army, at the Battle of Eylau. London, John Cumberland, June 6, 1825 ; Napoleon, & the Emperor Alexander, Upon the Raft, on the Niemen, After the Treaty of Tilsit. London, John Cumberland, March 29, 1825 ; Napoleon Witnessing the Conflagration of Moscow., from the palace of the Kremlin. London, John Cumberland, January 20, 1826 ; Napoleon's Arrival at the Tuilleries on his Return from Elba. London, John Cumberland, September 15, 1827 ; Napoleon Terminating his Military Career, at the Memorable Battle of Waterloo. London John Fairburn, October 21, 1825.Tâches et brunissures en marge, traces de pliure, sur quelques planches, 4 planches un peu courte de marges.