Bernard Chauveau Éditeur, 2014. In-4 br. Textes de A. Devals, R. Arnoux, D. Sausset, B. Marcadé. Importante iconographie en couleurs. E.O. Bel envoi autographe de Bernar Venet. Petite fente en haut du dos.
Reference : L6864
la Librairie Les Autodidactes
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Macgregor, Arthur Ed.: Tradescant's Rarities. Essays on the Foundation of the Ashmolean Museum, 1683, with a Catalogue of the Surviving Early Collections. Clarendon Press, 1983. xiii, 382pp with 72 figures plus 126pp with 186 monochrome illustrations, and 5 microfiches (inside the back cover). Cloth, 28x22.5cms. Tercentenary publication, falling into two parts; a series of introductory essays including a description of the foundation of the museum, the life and career of the Tradescants, their importance as collectors and their bequest to Elias Ashmole; the catalogue of surviving material from the foundation collection, plus microfiches of the Ashmolean's early catalogues of c.1685 and its Book of Benefactors 1683-1766, as well as John Tradescant's 'Musaeum Tradescantianum' of 1656. Bibliography, index.
Tercentenary publication, falling into two parts; a series of introductory essays including a description of the foundation of the museum, the life and career of the Tradescants, their importance as collectors and their bequest to Elias Ashmole; the catalogue of surviving material from the foundation collection, plus microfiches of the Ashmolean's early catalogues of c.1685 and its Book of Benefactors 1683-1766, as well as John Tradescant's 'Musaeum Tradescantianum' of 1656. Bibliography, index
, SKIRA / Rizzoli 2015, 2015 Hardcover, 288 pages, ENG, 325 x 235 mm, dustjacket, 325 illustrations in full colour, New, . ISBN 9780847845217.
The first publication of the Barnes Foundation?s important and extensive African art collection. The Barnes Foundation is renowned for its astonishing collection of Postimpressionist and early Modern art assembled by Albert C. Barnes, a Philadelphia pharmaceutical entrepreneur. Less known is the pioneering collection of African sculpture that Barnes acquired between 1922 and 1924, mainly from Paul Guillaume, the Paris-based dealer. The Barnes Foundation was one of the first permanent installations in the United States to present objects from Africa as fine art. Indeed, the African collection is central to understanding Barnes?s socially progressive vision for his foundation.This comprehensive volume showcases all 123 objects, including reliquary figures, masks, and utensils, most of which originated in France?s African colonies?Mali, C te d?Ivoire, Gabon, and the Congo?as well as in Sierra Leone, Republic of Benin, and Nigeria. Christa Clarke considers the significance of the collection and Barnes?s role in the Harlem Renaissance and in fostering broader appreciation of African art in the twentieth century. In-depth catalog entries by noted scholars in the field complete the volume.
Reference : alb1608fa2fbbb9927e
WAM. World Art Museum. 2008. Stella Art Foundation collection. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/WAM. World Art Muzey. 2008. Kollektsiya Stella Art Foundation. In English Russian languages. M. Stella Art Foundation. 2008. 327s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1608fa2fbbb9927e
London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1964 pet. in-4, 272 pages, illustrations. Broché.
Painting and Sculpture of a Decade 54-64. Organized by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation at the Tate Gallery. (London: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 1964) [M.C.: beaux arts, peinture 20 è siècle, sculpture]
Reference : alb42170ccdd90d0671
A. P. Karabanov Foundation of the Russian Theatre. Foundation of the 1750 Russian Theatre by cadets of the First Cadet Corps: for the Centennial Anniversary. A. Karabanov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Karabanov A. P. Osnovanie Russkogo Teatra. Osnovanie 1750 Russkogo teatra kadetami Pervogo kadetskogo korpusa: k stoletnemu yubileyu. A. Karabanov.The book is dedicated to the heir-cesarevich. Whereas Sumarokov gave the court circles theatre as literature the Sukhodny Slakhetny Corps gave them theatre as a stage. SKUalb42170ccdd90d0671.