Londres. Chiswich Press & Paris. Académie des Bibliophiles, 1868. Traduit avec l'autorisation de l'auteur par Théophile Baudaunas. In-8 demi-reliure, dos et coins de maroquin havane. Titre, nom de l'auteur, date et tête dorés, plats conservés. Ex. num. sur papier vergé, non rogné. Reliure signée du relieur belge Laurent Claessens
Reference : L14649
la Librairie Les Autodidactes
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, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 302 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:44 tables b/w., 3 Stemmas, Languages: English, Latin. ISBN 9782503586908.
Summary In 1239 the Christian convert Nicholas Donin submitted thirty-five articles to Pope Gregory IX that decried the indecency, blasphemy, and heresy in the Talmud. As a result, the pope triggered a campaign across Europe that gave rise to a trial of the Talmud in Paris in 1240. The Latin translation of the Talmud - namely, the 1245 Extractiones de Talmud and later versions such as the Excerptum de Talmud - emerged from these events. This volume offers the first critical edition, along with an English translation, of the Excerptum de Talmud. Drawing on the substantial translation of the Babylonian Talmud known as the Extractiones de Talmud (Paris, 1245), the Excerptum provided a selection of passages from the Talmud which its compiler organized according to controversial topics. This book consists of two principal parts. The first contains a study of the Excerptum, its textual source (the Extractiones de Talmud), and an overview of the historical background which prompted this translation. The second part consists of an edition and translation of the text, as well as an edition of the passages from the Extractiones which served as the basis for the Excerptum. These texts mark a significant chapter in Christian anti-Jewish disputations and Latin polemical works in the Middle Ages. Along with the two versions of the Extractiones de Talmud (CCCM 291 and forthcoming), this volume will thus prove useful to scholars interested in Latin philology, religious disputation, medieval translation and transmission of knowledge, and the history of Christian-Jewish relations. See edition of the Extractiones de Talmud (CCCM 291) at: http://www.brepols.net/Pages/ShowProduct.aspx?prod_id=IS-9782503582283-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements Introduction Part I: Study of the Excerptum de Talmud Chapter One: The Paris Trial of 1240: How it unfolded 1.1. Before Paris: The earliest references to the Talmud in Christian polemical literature 1.2. The thirteenth century: the Christian and Jewish milieux in France 1.3. Nicholas Donin: The thirty-five articles against the Talmud 1.4. The Disputation 1.4.1. The Hebrew report 1.4.2. The Latin report 1.5. Concluding remarks Chapter Two: Extractiones de Talmud 2.1. After the Trial: The review of the Trial concerning the Talmud 2.2. The translation process 2.3. The manuscripts and the two versions 2.3.1. The sequential Extractiones 2.3.2. The thematic Extractiones The prologue to the thematic Extractiones The chapters of the thematic Extractiones 2.4. The translation and the translators thereof 2.5. In summary Chapter Three: The Excerptum de Talmud 3.1. The transmission of the Extractiones de Talmud 3.2. The manuscripts of the Excerptum and its stemma codicum 3.3. The source of the Excerptum: the thematic Extractiones 3.4. The content of the Excerptum de Talmud 3.5. The authorship and date of the Excerptum de Talmud 3.6. Notes in summary Conclusion Bibliography Part II: Critical edition: Excerptum de Talmud Editor?s preface Excerptum de Talmud: The Text i. De auctoritate Talmud ii. De magistris Talmud iii. Blasphemiae contra Christum iv. Blasphemiae contra Deum, creatorem omnium v. Contra christianos et ecclesiam Dei vi. Oratio contra christianos vii. De stultitiis et execratione iudaeorum viii. De sortilegiis iudaeorum et de infidelitate ipsorum ix. Fictio iudaeorum de futuro saeculo x. De adventu Messiae xi. De stultitiis iudaeorum xii. De inmunditiis iudaeorum xiii. De somniis seu visionibus nocturnis iudaeorum xiv. De fabulis iudaeorum Appendix: the thematic source De auctoritate Talmud De sapientibus et magistris Talmud De blasphemiis contra Christum et beatam Virginem De blasphemiis contra Deum Contra christianos De imprecationibus contra goym Contra christianos De erroribus De sortilegiis De somniis De futuro saeculo et statu post mortem De Messia De stultitiis De turpitudinibus et inmunditiis De fabulis Correspondences Indices Index locorum Talmud Index locorum Sacrae Scripturae Index locorum Libri de Krubot Index locorum Articulorum Donin Index locorum Anthologiae Index glossarum Salomonis in Vetus Testamentum Index aliarum fontium iudaicarum Index magistrorum Talmud Index verborum Hebraicorum Index verborum Gallicorum
Reference : alb9de01d5c0bec5d66
Talmud Le Talmud par Emanuel Deutsch. Traduit avec autorisation de lauteur par Theophile Baudaunas Emanuel Deutsch Talmud. Translated with the permission of Theophile Baudaunas. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Talmud)Le Talmud par Emanuel Deutsch. TrTalmud Le Talmud par Emanuel Deutsch. Traduit avec autorisation de lauteur par Theophile Baudaunas Emanuel Deutsch Talmud. Translated with the permission of Theophile Baudaunas. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Talmud)Le Talmud par Emanuel Deutsch. Traduit avec autorisation de lauteur par Theophile Baudaunas Talmud Emanuelya Doycha. Perevod s razresheniya Teofilya BaudaunasaParis 1868 98 98 s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb9de01d5c0bec5d66
, Brepols, 2019 Hardback, cx + 712 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Illustrations:3 b/w, 1 tables b/w., Languages: Latin, English. ISBN 9782503582283.
Summary In 1239 Pope Gregory IX wrote to kings and bishops across Europe, urging them to seize and examine the manuscripts of the Talmud in their dominions. As a result, a process against the Talmud took place in Paris in 1240. Though the Talmud went up in flames at the Place de la Gr ve in 1241/42, the controversy on the Talmud continued over the following years, since Gregory's successor, Pope Innocent IV, called for a revision of its condemnation. At the centre of this revision are the 'Extractiones de Talmud', a translation of hundreds of Talmudic passages prepared during the years 1244/45 for Odo of Ch teauroux, Legate of the Apostolic See, that served as the basis of his final condemnation of the Talmud in May 1248. This is the first edition of the Latin Talmud, which is a milestone in the long history of Christian-Jewish intellectual encounters.
New York, Mésorah Publication , Ltd. edition Edmond J. Safra, 2003; in-4, cartonnage de l'éditeur. Comme neuf - traduction française dirigée par Rav Aharon Marciano - LA GUEMARA : L'Édition classique de Vilna accompagnée de notes explicatives, véritable aide à l'étude du Talmud ADAPTÉE de l'édition Schottenstein du Talmud Bavli -Talmud Judaisme Torah Religion. 31 x 22,5 Cm. Tome 3 d'une collection de 72 volumes formant le Talmud entier en langue originale avec un traduction en français. Papier épais. Très belle couverture Deluxe renforcée, adaptée à une utilisation fréquente et à long terme. Marque page. La disposition des pages de l'édition de Vilna a été maintenue. La traduction explicite la signification du texte, tout en indiquant en gras la traduction littérale de l'original. Chaque mot du texte original est repris dans la traduction, voyellisé et traduit. Notes explicatives et introductives n'interrompant pas le flot du texte. Schémas détaillés. Introductions détaillées sur chaque traité. Glossaire expliquant les expressions clé du traité.
Comme neuf - traduction française dirigée par Rav Aharon Marciano - LA GUEMARA : L'Édition classique de Vilna accompagnée de notes explicatives, véritable aide à l'étude du Talmud ADAPTÉE de l'édition Schottenstein du Talmud Bavli -Talmud Judaisme Torah Religion. 31 x 22,5 Cm. Tome 3 d'une collection de 72 volumes formant le Talmud entier en langue originale avec un traduction en français. Papier épais. Très belle couverture Deluxe renforcée, adaptée à une utilisation fréquente et à long terme. Marque page. La disposition des pages de l'édition de Vilna a été maintenue. La traduction explicite la signification du texte, tout en indiquant en gras la traduction littérale de l'original. Chaque mot du texte original est repris dans la traduction, voyellisé et traduit. Notes explicatives et introductives n'interrompant pas le flot du texte. Schémas détaillés. Introductions détaillées sur chaque traité. Glossaire expliquant les expressions clé du traité.
Anonymus, Ulisse Cecini (ed), scar Luis de la Cruz Palma (ed), Alexander Fidora (ed), Isaac Lampurlan s Farr (ed)
Reference : 65140
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, lix + 442 pages, Size:155 x 245 mm, Language(s):Latin, English. ISBN 9782503594934.
Summary In the year 1244/45, the first Latin translation of the Talmud was completed in Paris. This translation, which is known as the Extractiones de Talmud, is extant in two versions. While the first version, edited in CC CM 291 (2018), offers an apparently unbiased presentation of the Talmudic passages following the sequence of the Talmudic treatises, the second one, which may be called the thematic Talmud translation, organizes these texts along with other materials according to thirteen chapters. The titles of these chapters clearly betray the polemic intention of the thematic translation, namely: "On the authority of the Talmud and its praise"; "On the sages and teachers of the Talmud"; "On the blasphemies against Christ and the Holy Virgin"; "On blasphemies against God"; "On what is said against the Christians"; "On errors and heresies"; "On sorcery"; "On dreams"; "On the world to come"; "On the Messiah"; "On stupidities"; "On immoral and impure things"; and "On fables". It was this second version, which also incorporated additional materials from other Jewish sources, that led to the final condemnation of the Talmud in Paris in the year 1248.