San Francisco. Chronicle Books, 1993. In-4 br. Introduction Arthur Ollman. Préface et photographies en noir & blanc par K. Bubrinski. Ces photos ont été prises dans les années 80. E.O.
Reference : L14148
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National Geographic Society. 1997. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 128 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photos en couleur. Une planche dépliable.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon
Contents: Aging- New Answers to Old Questions: In the face of an exploding elderly population, scientists study how and why humans age, and seek the secrets of longer, healthier lives, BY RICK WEISS PHOTOGRAPHS BY KAREN KASMAUSKI. Wilderness Rafting Siberian Style: A fearless Siberian team takes handmade equipment to the edge on the raging Oygaing River in Uzbekistan, BY MICHAEL MCRAE PHOTOGRAPHS BY DUGALD BREMNER. Quebec's Quandary: After a troubled 130-year marriage to English-speaking Canada, the French-speaking province is weighing the pros and cons of calling it quits, BY IAN DARRAGH PHOTOGRAPHS BY MAGGIE STEBER. Flies That Fight: Flies with spreading antlers that battle like miniature elk for mates? Take a ringside seat for the rainforest brawl, ARTICLE AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY MARK W. MOFFETT. Portrait of a Hutsul Village: In the seclusion of Ukraine’s Carpathian Mountains, the Hutsul people are regaining ancestral lands and reviving cherished traditions suppressed by the former Soviet Union, BY LIDA SUCHY PHOTOGRAPHS BY LIDA SUCHY AND Miào SUCHY. North Woods Journal: Deep in the Minnesota wilderness, where pine trees claw the surface of dark lakes, a native son records his habitat in a personal journey of discovery, ARTICLE AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY JIM BRANDENBURG. Nepal's Forgotten Corner: Long isolated by topography and regional politics, the picturesque realm of Mustang is now open to the outside world, ARTICLE AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY ROBERT CAPUTO. Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon