‎BLANC Charles.‎
‎L'architecture. ‎

‎Paris, Librairie Renouard, Henri Laurens, Editeur, sans date (Nouvelle édition, fin 19e, début 20e), in-8 de 280 pages, reliure d'éditeur, motif à froid sur le dos et sur le 1er plat, titre doré sur le dos, ouvrage orné de 185 gravures. ‎

Reference : 13999

‎Corps d'une grande fraîcheur, reliure solide et en bon état. Bel exemplaire.‎

€23.90 (€23.90 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Kathryn Moore, Hasan-Uddin Khan (eds)‎

Reference : 65110

‎Religious Architecture of Islam. Volume I: Asia and Australia‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 488 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:300 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503589350.‎

‎Summary The Religious Architecture of Islam is a wide-ranging multi-author study of the architectural traditions associated with the religion of Islam across the globe. A total of 59 essays by 48 authors are presented across two volumes, Volume 1: Asia and Australia and Volume 2: Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Essays address major themes across historical and contemporary periods of Islam and provide more focused studies of developments unique to specific regions and historical periods. The essays cover Islamic religious architecture broadly defined, including mosques, madrasas, saints' shrines, and funerary architecture. The Religious Architecture of Islam both provides an introduction to the history of Islamic architecture and reflects the most recent scholarship within the field. TABLE OF CONTENTS Hasan-Uddin Khan and Kathryn Blair Moore - Introduction Background Themes Heba Mostafa - Locating the Sacred in Early Islamic Architecture Nezar AlSayyad and ?pek T reli - The Mosque in the Urban Context D. Fairchild Ruggles - Gardens as Places of Piety and Faith Imdat As - Complex Patterns and Three-Dimensional Geometry in Islamic Religious Architecture Matthew Saba and Michael A. Toler - Archives and Archival Documents in the Study of Islamic Religious Architecture West and Central Asia Abeer Hussam Eddin Allahham - The Holy Mosque of Mecca Akel Ismail Kahera - The Mosque of the Prophet at Medina Kathryn Blair Moore - The Dome of the Rock through the Centuries Mattia Guidetti - The Great Mosque of Damascus through the Medieval Period Mattia Guidetti - Early Islam and Byzantine Churches Melanie Michailidis - Early Mosques in Iran and Central Asia Matthew Saba - Funerary Architecture in Iraq under the Abbasids and their Successors, 750-1250 Megan Boomer and Robert Ousterhout - Muslims, Byzantines, and Western Christians on the Haram al-Sharif Stephennie Mulder - Mosques under the Ayyubids Stephennie Mulder - Shrines in the Central Islamic Lands Melanie Michailidis - Shrines and Mausolea in Iran and Central Asia Sheila Blair - The Ilkhanids and their Successors Bernard O'Kane - Religious Architecture of Central Asia under the Timurids and their Successors Farshid Emami - Religious Architecture of Safavid Iran Oya Pancaro?lu - Islamic Architecture in Medieval Anatolia, 1150-1450 Zeynep Y rekli - Three Sufi Shrines under the Ottomans Ali Uzay Peker - Seljuk and Ottoman Mosques Imdat As - Kocatepe: The Unbuilt State Mosque of Turkey James Steele - Regionalist Expressions of the Mosque in the Arabian Peninsula and Middle East South and East Asia Alka Patel - The Sultanates in South Asia, 700-1690 Laura E. Parodi - Mughal Religious Architecture Kamil Khan Mumtaz - Badshahi Masjid, Lahore Kamil Khan Mumtaz - The Architecture of Sufi Shrines in Pakistan Imran bin Tajudeen - Pre-Islamic and Vernacular Elements in the Southeast Asian Mosques of Nusantara Nancy S. Steinhardt - The Mosque in China Hasan-Uddin Khan - The Great Mosque of Xi'an (Qing Zhen Si) Australia Tammy Gaber - New Australian Mosques‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )


Reference : 2303-010


‎Histoire de l'architecture‎

‎Histoire de l'architecture, par Jean-Charles Moreux – Architecte en chef des Bâtiments civils et Palais nationaux. Petit in-8° 128 pp broché, n°18 de la collection «Que sais-je ?», éditions des Presses universitaires de France, Paris 1973. Onzième édition revue et complétée par André Chastel, Professeur au Collège de France (1re édition : 3e trimestre 1941). Imprimé en 1973 à Vendôme (64e mille). Très bon état (4/5).‎

‎Dans la Table des matières : après l'Introduction, l'architecture préhistorique ; l'architecture en Egypte ; l'architecture en Chaldéen et en Assyrie ; l'architecture en Perse ; l'architecture dans l'Inde ; l'architecture en Chine et au Japon ; l'architecture en Amérique ; les architectures préhelléniques ; l'architecture grecque ; l'architecture romaine ; l'architecture chrétienne du bas-Empire ; l'architecture musulmane ; l'architecture romane ; l'architecture gothique ; l'architecture de la Renaissance en Italie ; l'architecture de la Renaissance en France et à l'étranger ; l'architecture aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles et au début du XIXe siècle ; le XVIIe, le XVIIIe et le XIXe siècles à l'étranger ; l'architecture depuis 1850 en France ; l'architecture dans le monde au XXe siècle, par André Chastel‎

Phone number : 06 71 05 07 87

EUR7.00 (€7.00 )
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Reference : _202000839


‎Travaux de Littérature.-Volume XII-1999. Architectes et architecture dans la littérature françaises. ‎

‎Boulogne, A.D.I.R.E.L., 1999 ; in-8, (161 x 240 mm), 464 pp., broché. Colloque international organisé par l'ADIREL, en Sorbonne, les 23-25 octobre 1997. Actes publiés par Madeleine BERTAUD. Sommaire: I. LE CRAYON ET LA PLUME : Yves PAUWELS : Philibert De L'Orme rabelaisien ? ; Frédérique LEMERLE : Une querelle des Anciens et des Modernes en architecture : Fréart de Chambray ; François BESSIRE : Voltaire architecte ; Pierre NAUDIN : L'architecte et le romancier au siècle de Le Camus de Mézières et de Vivant Denon ; Olivier BONNEROT : Le crayon et la plume : les pyramides de Vivant Denon ; Françoise BERCÉ : Mérimée et les architectes des monuments historiques ; Luc FRAISSE : Viollet-le-Duc et le livre de pierre ; Giuliano GRESLERI : Voyage et découverte, description et transcription : note sur Le Corbusier. – II. DISCOURS « DE L'ARCHITECTURE » : Richard CRESCENZO : Blaise de Vigenère et l'architecture : textes anciens et monuments modernes ; Roger MARCHAL : Pyramides et pagodes. Un mythe des Lumières : la Chine colonie égyptienne ; Laurent VERSINI : Diderot et l'architecture ; José Manuel LOSADA GOYA : Hugo, ou les paradoxes de l'architecture : du livre de pierre au livre de papier ; Monique PARENT : Paul Valéry et l'architecture : les paradoxes d'Eupalinos ; Gilles ERNST : Georges Bataille, ou les « cabanes dans le désert » ; Pierre BRUNEL : Architectures en dialogue : la gageure de Michel Butor. – III. ARCHITECTURES RÊVÉES : Alain LABBÉ : L'architecture du désastre dans Anseÿs de Mes ; Michel STANESCO : Une architecture féerique : le palais aux cent / mille fenêtres ; James DAUPHINÉ : L'architecture des origines dans Les Hymnes de Ronsard ; Gilbert SCHRENCK : Le Temple de Salomon dans La Magnificence de Du Bartas : le chant de la pierre ; Marie-Madeleine FONTAINE : L'architecture imaginaire dans le roman de Barthélemy Aneau, Alector (1560) ; Noémi HEPP : L'architecture dans quelques grands romans du premier XVIIe siècle ; Annarosa POLI : L'architecture réelle et romanesque des villas de Frascati dans La Daniella de George Sand ; Philippe HAMON : Littérature et architecture : divisions et distinctions : Quelques généralités ; Wieslaw M. MALINOWSKI : Les châteaux de Maeterlinck. – IV. UT PICTURA POESIS : Jean BALSAMO : « Dire le Paradis d’Anet ». Les poètes de la génération de 1550 et l’architecture ; Marie-Odile SWEETSER : Les pierres et les mots : Du Bellay, Malherbe, Saint-Amant ; Jean-Pierre COLLINET : La Fontaine et ses châteaux ; Francis CLAUDON et Andrée MANSAU : Stendhal et l’architecture : de Rome à Toulouse ; Dominique MILLET-GÉRARD : Architectures suarésiennes : l’Italie comme art poétique dans Voyage du Condottiere ; Alain LANAVÈRE : Architectures religieuses dans le roman catholique du XXe siècle ; Michel LIOURE : Paul Claudel et l’architecture ; Madeleine BERTAUD : Conclusions. Quelques illustrations en noir et blanc.‎

Phone number : 06 87 32 55 92

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Roberto Illiano (ed)‎

Reference : 64246

‎Sound, Music and Architecture‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 440 pages, Size:210 x 270 mm, Illustrations:125 b/w, 16 col., 15 tables b/w., 16 musical examples, Language(s):English, Spanish, Italian. ISBN 9782503611839.‎

‎Summary This book traces the relationship between sound, music and architecture from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. The first part of this volume deals with the physical relationship between music and architecture, focussing on the intersection between rite, sound and architecture in ecclesiastical spaces such as the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris, the churches of medieval Sicily, the liturgical spaces of 15th-17th-century France and the Roman churches in the Baroque era. A substantial article by Richard B sel presents a comprehensive panorama of music rooms and concert halls, starting from the archetypes conceived in the Early Modern Age and concluding with their present-day configurations. The last article of this section is dedicated to the Festspielhaus located in Hellerau (Dresden), based on the documentary sources and the writing of the protagonists, in particular mile Jaques-Dalcroze and Adolphe Appia. The theme continues in the second part of the book with the examination of the historical relationship between architecture and acoustic knowledge in the age of modernity. Moreover, the following chapter explores the architectural idea of designing for musical tone as it found expression in the early decades of the twentieth century. The last two articles of this section explore Leo Beranek's research regarding the quality of musical spaces in the history of modern science, and the experimentations of the architect Bernard Leitner with his Soundcube. The last part of the book will focus on Music as an 'art of space', exploring installations and musical experimentations by composers such as Xenakis, Jean-Luc Herv and John Chowning. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Physical Relationship between Music and Architecture 1. Vasco Zara, The Phantom of Notre-Dame: Music, Architecture, Acoustics, and the Origins of the Notre-Dame Polyphony 2. Thomas Dittelbach - Tobias Christian Wei mann, Aural Architecture in Medieval Sicily: Architecture, Music and Acoustics of Siculo-Norman Churches 3. Jean-Christop he Vali re - B n dicte Bertholon, Location of Acoustic Pots in the Liturgical Space: Functional, Symbolic, Musical and Acoustic Interpretation 4. Galliano Ciliberti, Progetti per cupole sonore. Strutture architettoniche e articolazione direzionale della musica liturgica negli spazi delle chiese barocche romane 5. Richard B sel, 'Soundful Venues': Music Rooms, Concert Halls, and More 6. Guillem Aloy-Bibiloni - Antoni Ramon Graells - Laia Montserrat-Cort zar: Hellerau, espacio de encuentros: Adolphe Appia y mile Jaques-Dalcroze Sound Architecture 7. Edward J. Gillin - Fanny Gribensky, Sound Architecture: Music, Speech, and the Science of Acoustics in the Age of Modernity 8. Fiona Smyth, ?Mysterious changes in molecular structure? : Pragmatics, Poetics and Designing for Musical Tone 9. Sabine von Fischer, Confidential Rankings: The Rating of Experience, and Why the List of the Best Concert Halls Was Kept a Secret 10. Sven Sterken: Architecture without Walls: Bernhard Leitner's Sound Cube Music as an Art of Space 11. Makis Solomos, Xenakis's Polytopes and the Diatope 12. Marta Llorente Diaz, Ritmo: medida del tiempo, medida del mundo. M sica y arquitectura, una colaboraci n entre Iannis Xenakis y Le Corbusier 13. Candida Felici, Building Bio-Spaces through Music: Metamorphosis and Illusionary Space in Germination by Jean-Luc Herv 14. Laura Zattra - Fran ois-Xavier F ron, A History of the First Computer Sound Spatialisation System: John Chowning's Investigations at Stanford University (1962-1972)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR145.00 (€145.00 )

‎Lynda Mulvin, Nigel Westbrook (eds)‎

Reference : 65775

‎Late Antique Palatine Architecture. Palaces and Palace Culture: Patterns of Transculturation‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 213 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:110 b/w, 50 col., 10 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503574721.‎

‎Summary Late antique palaces and palace culture served as the loci of dramatic shifts in architecture and design, as well as urban planning, public works and patronage, in the imperial cities of Rome and Constantinople, and the first palatine centres of the Holy Roman Empire. This volume provides a wealth of detailed information and perspectives on late antique and early medieval design practices, with emphasis on the new spatial configurations and their decorative schema. The essays in this collection provide original, ground-breaking narratives on palatine architecture and culture in this period, integrating cross-cultural dialogues from Rome as centre of imperial palace architecture with details of late palace embellishments and the ceremonial usage which was brought to the fore, as the discussion shifts to the new imperial capital of Nova Roma, Constantinople, and then to the Carolingian centres via Rome and Ravenna. A parallel discussion emerges, where prototypes for palaces and ceremonial courts were imported and reinterpreted through a process of citation. Principal interest resides in the contrasts of palatial and residential complexes, intended to demonstrate new ceremonies and the practices enacted within and through them. The focus of the volume is then shifted to eastern and western provincial and rural high-status residences and landscapes of power, examining the relationships between palaces and late Roman villas and the court and court culture, ultimately revealing a political agenda in use through and in the language of architecture. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Preface in commemoration of Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt - Adolf Hoffmann The Palace of the Roman Emperors on the Palatine in Rome - Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt Magna Mater and the pignora imperii: Creating Places of Power - Sarah Wilson The Political Power of the Palace: The Residences of Maxentius in Rome - Elisha Ann Dumser Adapting to a New Concept of Sovereignty: Some Remarks on Tetrarchic Palace Architecture - Dr Verena Jaeschke Diocletian's Palace: Villa, Sacrum Palatium, Villa-Cum-Factory, Chateau? - Josko Belamaric Architecture, Innovation and Economy in the Late Roman Danube-Balkan Region: Palaces and 'Productive Villas' from Pannonia - Lynda Mulvin The porticus post scaenam of Lugdunum Convenarum - Daniel M. Millette The Question of the Survival of Roman Architectural Traditions within the Byzantine Great Palace - Nigel Westbrook 'In More Romano': Medieval Residences of the Holy Roman Empire - Bernd Nicolai Bibliography‎


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