Bloud et Gay Bloud et Gay 1937, In-12 broché de 223 pages. Parfait état.
Reference : 9991656
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Paris, Jean Boudot, 1704. 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. Année 1701"". Title-page to Année 1701 with an engraved vignette. Pp. 297-364 a. Corrections & Remarques Pour le Systeme de Musique (2) pp. With 3 large folded engraved plates. A few scattered brownspots. Wide-margined.
First appearance of a founding paper in musical theory and the physics of acoustics, in which the term ""acoustique"" is coined. The paper deals with the relations of the tones of the musical scale. It established the practice of music upon a science superior to it which Sauveur calls ""Acoustics"", the subject of which is sound in general. This is Sauveur's main paper on acoustics in which he states the first clear recognition of the composite nature of the vibration of strings.""Like Mersenne and others in the Seventeenth century, Sauveur used musical experience to obtain information on sound and vibration. According to Fontenelle, Sauveur was fascinated by music, even though he had no ear for it, and consulted frequently with musicians. Despite the musical foundation of his work, Sauveur proposed the development of a new subject, which he named ""acoustique"", dealing with sound in general rather than with the ""son agréable"" of music."" (DSB XII, p. 127).""Joseph Sauveur (1653-1716) introduces the term ""acoustics"" for the study of sound and examines the relations of the tones of the musical scale in the memoir ""Systeme général des intervalles...."" (General System of sound intervals and its application to all musical systems and instruments) - the paper offered - He shows that a string can vibrate at integral multiples of a a fundamental frequency simultaneously with vibrating at the fundamental frequency itself, callinf the toned produced by the vibrations at the multiples the ""harmonics"" of the fundamental tone.""(Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"" 1701 P.
Reference : 44382
Paris, Jean Boudot, 1704. 4to. Without wrappers. Extracted from ""Mémoires de l'Academie des Sciences. Année 1702"". Pp. 308-328 a. 2 large folded engraved plates. A few small brownspots. Wide-margined.
First appearance of a classic paper in the theory of sound (his second paper on Acoustics). Saveur had his first founding paper printed in 1701 ""Systeme général des Intervalles des Sons, & son Application à tous les Systèmes & à tous les Instrumens de Musique."" in which he developed the new subject ""acoustique"" (and coined the term), In the paper offered he was the first to use beasts to determine the frequency difference and he was thus able to calculate the absolute frequencies.""To determine absolute frequency, Sauveur used a pair of organ pipes a small half-tone apart in just intonation (frequency ratio 25:24). This interval is sufficiently small that the beats can be counted, for low pitches. Furthermore, the interval can be obtained accurately by tuning through thirds and perfect fifths (for example, by tuning up two major thirds and then down a fifth). As a results of experiments done with Deslander, and organ builder, Sauveur found that the frequency of an organ pipe five Paris feet long was between 100 and 102 cps. Sauveur claimed to have obtained consistent results from experiments done with other piopes. Newton made a rough check of Sauveurs eresults...""(DSB XII, p. 128).
Paris, Massin, sans date (vers 1930). In-4, (4) pp. (titre et table des matières + 40 planches, en feuilles sous cartonnage imprimé de l'éditeur.
Cartonnage un peu usagé avec de petits défauts.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences - F. de Dainville - Guy Beaujouan - Pierre Humbert sur Joseph Gaultier de La Valette - Léon Auger sur J. Sauveur - Louis Jovignot sur Antoine Masson
Reference : 100949
Presses Universitaires de France - P.U.F. , Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1948 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur crème grand In-8 1 vol. - 94 pages
'quelques figures dans le texte en noir et blanc 1ere édition, 1948 "Contents, Chapitres : 1. Articles : F. de Dainville : Foyers de culture scientifique dans la France méditérannéenne du XVIe au XVIIIe siècle - Guy Beaujouan : Etude paléographique sur la "" rotation "" des chiffres et l'emploi des apices du Xe au XIIe siècle - Pierre Humbert : Joseph Gaultier de La Valette, astronome provençal, 1564-1647 - Léon Auger : Les apports de J. Sauveur, 1653-1716 à la création de l'acoustique - Louis Jovignot : Un grand savant bourguignon du XIXe siècle : Antoine Masson - 2. Documentation, informations, analyses" Couverture légèrement jaunie sur les bords, légères pliures aux coins de la couverture et sur les bords droit du plat supérieur et, gauche et inférieur du plat inférieur, sinon bel exemplaire, intérieur frais et propre, légere tache claires au coin inférieur droit, papier à peine gondolé , n'affectant pas la lecture du texte, papier à peine jauni - paginé 290 à 383
Reference : 110030
A Paris, chez Gabriel Martin, Jean-Bapt. Coignard & Hippolyte-Louis Guérin, ruë S. Jacques, Avec Approbation et Privilege du Roi, 1743, 1 volume in-4 de 260-195 mm environ, 1f.blanc viij-142-384 pages 1f.blanc, reliure plein veau marbré fauve d'époque, dos à 5 nerfs portant titres et tomaisons dorés sur pièce de titre maroquin bordeaux, orné de caissons à fleurons et feuillages dorés, double filet doré sur les coupes, tranches rouges, gardes marbrées. Quelques feuilles brunies, frottements et petites craquelures sur le cuir, un mors fendu sur 4 cm, petites déchirures sans manque p. 308 et 382. Contient 14 planches dépliantes et de nombreuses figures dans le texte.
Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.