Mame Turonibus, A Mame, 1892. In-4 relié plein chagrin nour, dos à feux nerfs, ornés, plat estampés à froid. Tranches dorées. Frontispice, titre, paginé 33 - 168 + Missae Propriae sanctorum quae in hispana celebrantur. 1888 de 38 pages + Addenda proprio missarum quae in Hispana Celebrantur de 8 pages.
Reference : 183796
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Turonibus.1862.In-4,relire chagrinée noire ornée de symboles religieux.Signets rouges.Gravures.En latin.Bel exemplaire.
Église catholique , Roman Catholic Church Missale Romanum RELIURE ANIMEE plaques romantique
Reference : 24603
1853 P. J. Hanicq, Mechliniae [Malines Mechelen, Flanders, Belgium], 1853,IN FOLIO reliure plein chagrin rouge (posterieure),plats decorés (cartonnage fers dorés,monogramme MM ,2e plat)),tranches dorées,dos à caissons dorés,signets tissus multicolores à fleurs de lys,11 planches gravées ht (bois et litho) - Title vignette; illustrated initials; printed in red and black; text in double columns.[40], 484, cxxxvj,+ [1]-[1-1bl]-2-2-2-20-[1-1bl-2] p.,pages datées posterieures : , 11 unnumbered leaves of plates : illustrations, music ; 36 x 26 cm, RELIURE ANIMEE plaques romantique, bon état .Missale Romanum is a highly important text in the Roman Catholic Church and contains within it the texts and rubrics relating to the Catholic Rite of Mass, considered an essential part of Catholic doctrine. This particular version of the Roman Missal contains the changes made by Pope Clement VIII in 1604 which include corrections to the previous standard edition created by Pope Pius V and the further corrections made by Pop Urban VIII in 1634. The work is an unusual edition of a highly important and still widely recognised part of Catholic Dogma,with last corrections.
In all an impressive good copy in a fine binding.A nice typographical specimen of a 19th century missal illustrated, printed and bound with fine craftmanship by the famous Hanicq press in Mechelen.Liturgy.
".: Mechlinae ( Mechelen ), H. Dessain, sucessor P.J. Hanicq, 1855, in-folio, 39,5 x 27 cm, [1] (40) nn pp + 514 pp + CLIV pp ; [2] (4) nn pp + 26 pp + (70) nn pp ; [3] 110 pp + (20) nn pp. The first part [1] is the Mechlin Missale ; Part [2] Missale Romanum, cum Missis Eccl. Rotomagensi Propriis, Rouen, Fleury, 1861. Part [3] Missae Propriae Archi. Parisiensis-J.H. Guibert, Paris, Le Clere et Socii, 1873 Bound in black morooco, edges painted red, kept in a purposely made wooden box, lined with red velour. The book is in excellent condtion, notwithstanding some minor scratches at the binding and 1 tab which has come loose. The box is worn and a bit scruffy. Fine , important and unique specimen of a 19th c. illuminated missal, produced around 1860-1870 when the art of ''missal painting'' was at its highest level. As often with 19th c. illumination we were unable to identify the artist. The calender of the Mechlin missal contains some illuminated additions which most probably refer to the patron of the art work '' Em. de Trémauville de Beaucourt '' (uncertain ?). Missal [1] and [2] each are preceded by a separate manuscript title. All pages have different elaborate coloured borders. The initials are either figurative or heightened with gold and you find them on nearly every page. The subtitles and full page engravings ( 8 ) are all fully painted. The second missal [2] is printed on high quality vellum paper and is equally illuminated, allthough in a somewhat lighter style. Missal [3] with the addenda is not illuminated. A stunning example of the 19th c. revival of the art of illumination, finely preserved."
Typis Mame Turonibus 1934 Fort Missel petit in-4 ( 285 X 200 mm ) de LVIII-686-204-79 pages, plein chagrin anthracite, dos à nerfs janséniste, grande croix et riche motif d'encadrement à froid sur les plats, signets de soie multicolore et fixes de moire rouge, tranches dorées. Gravures dans le texte. Nombreuses portées musicales. In-fine à pagination séparée: MISSAE PROPRIAE DIOECESIS MASSILIENSIS A.S.R. congregatione approbatae. Ac de mandato illustrissimi et reverendissimi DD. Danielis Champavier episcopi massiliensis. 1923. Bel exemplaire.
Sumptibus Et Typis Mame Turonibus 1937 Fort Missel petit in-4 ( 285 X 200 mm ) de LVIII-718-207-79 pages, plein chagrin rouge, dos à nerfs orné de fleurons dorés, grande croix et riche dentelle dorées d'encadrement sur les plats, dentelle intérieure dorée, signets fixes de moire rouge, tranches dorées. Gravures dans le texte. Nombreuses portées musicales. In-fine à pagination séparée: MISSAE PROPRIAE DIOECESIS MASSILIENSIS A.S.R. congregatione approbatae. Ac de mandato illustrissimi et reverendissimi DD. Danielis Champavier episcopi massiliensis. 1923. Reliure légèrement frottée, bon exemplaire. Sur une garde frappé en lettres d'or: "J.M.P. Ajaccio 1887 - Marseille Notre-Dame de la Garde 1937."