Louis Massignon, Opera Minora, Dar Al-Maaref, Liban, 1963. Trois forts tomes brochés, petites tâches sur la 4è de couverture du tome 1, très légère tâche sur le dos du tome 2, très légère tâche sur la 1ère de couverture et sur le dos du tome 3, 666 p. + 19 pl + 666 p. + 9 pl + 855 p. 22 pl ( les planches se trouvant en fin de tomes ), bel ensemble peu courant.
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Lausannæ (Lausanne), sumptibus Francisci Grasset, 1762-67-68, in-4to, XXII + 1 leaf + 608 p., 13 plates; VI + 311p. + 6 p. + p. 312-607 + 6 plates + 1 table; 388 p. + 17 plates, titles in red and black, first title with engr. medals (e.a. Haller's portrait), beautiful marbled endpaper, light mainly marginal waterstaining in last part of first vol., light browning of the paper, full calf bindings, red and green labels on spines, spines richly gilt, corners slightly scratched and bumped, small wormhole in one rear cover. Beautiful copy.
This work marks the beginning of scientific teratology. First edition, illustrated with altogether 36 (21 folding) engraved plates, complete. Haller himself esteemed this work as among his best productions. In fine contemporary full calf bindings. “The numerous plates contain his highly exact, clear, and striking representations of anatomical preparations” (Eimas). “With the many scientific corrections which Haller was able to present to anatomists, owing to his exact investigations and to his studies under Albinus, he was bound to make pictorial representations of anatomic preparations the main object of his care. His illustrations are therefore very numerous. They are very clear, vivid, highly exact, and artistic. The greater part of them had been scattered through his many writings and these were later collected by Haller himself under the title «Opera minora...». Haller himself esteemed this work and his «Icones» ... as among his best productions” (Choulant).Garrison-Morton 534.54 (citing part 3): “Reprints and updates Haller's earlier essays on various malformations. Placing it on a foundation of sound anatomical description”. Eimas, Heirs of Hippocrates 889; Osler 1156; Choulant, Anatomic Illustration, p. 289-291; Lundsgaard 460; Bibliographia Halleriana, Verzeichnis der Schriften v. u. über Albrecht v. Haller 0336; Eales I/1417; Neu 1826; Wellcome III/199; Blake 196 and Waller 4014 (éd. 1763-68). Image disp.
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Turnhout, Brepols, 1992 Hardback, 352 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503002538.
Mit der Ausgabe der Opera minora des Arnobius iunior liegen nun alle als gesichert geltenden Schriften des in der ersten Halfte des 5. Jahrhunderts in Rom lebenden afrikanischen Monche vor. Enthalt der erste Band, 1990 erschienen, die Commentarii in Psalmos, so bringt der zweite Band zunachst eine Dialogschrift, den Conflictus Arnobii catholici cum Serapione, in deren Mittelpunkt ein Streitgesprach zwischen Arnobius und einem monophysitisch gesinnten Gesprachspartner uber Fragen der Gnadenlehre, der Christologie und der Trinitatslehre steht. Diese Themen bestimmen auch den allegorischen Psalmenkommentar. Fur den Dogmenhistoriker gehoren diese Schriften zu den wichtigsten Quellen, die zwischen den beiden okumenischen Konzilien des 5. Jahrhunderts erschienen sind. Der Conflictus Arnobii gewinnt uber seine Themen und die scharfsinnigen Argumentationsreihen der Dialogpartner hinaus noch an Interesse und Lebendigkeit durch die zahlreichen Zitate, die zur Untermauerung der Standpunkte vorgebracht werden, von Nestorius uber Cyrillus Alexandrinus (ep. 1 und homilia XVII) bis hin zu Augustin (sermo 369). Eine Sonderstellung nimmt der Liber ad Gregoriam ein. In ihm spricht Arnobius einer unglucklich verheirateten Aristokratin Mut, Trost und Ermahnung in ihrer schwierigen Lebenssituation zu. Und schliesslich enthalt die Sammlung Scholien zu Texten aus Matthaus, Lucas und Johannes, die Expositiunculae in Euangelium, mit Text und kurzer Auslegung von Bibelstellen, die immer wieder Gegenstand der Interpretation waren: Wunder, Aussagen Jesu uber sich, Gleichnisse. Eine ausfuhrliche Einleitung zu den Schriften, den Handschriften und ihrer Uberlieferung, Testimonia sowie eine ausgewahlte Bibliographie und ein Zitaten-Index fur das Gesamtwerk begleiten den Text mit seinem kritischen Apparat. Zu erwahnen bleiben Texte, die wegen ihrer Verbindung zu der Uberlieferung des Arnobius aufgenommen wurden. Languages: Latin.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, 653 p., 4 b/w ill., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503533469.
During a diocesan synod held in 1383, the Dutch Church reformer Geert Grote (1340-1384) delivered a sermon in which he vigorously attacked priests living together with concubines in the Diocese of Utrecht, whom he called focarists. After he had delivered his sermon, Grote worked it out into a written treatise comprising 26 dicta or chapters in more than 3500 lines. Grote advocated a rigorous viewpoint. Thus, he pointed out in dictum 2 that anyone who attends the offices of a notorious focarist, commits a mortal sin. His strict position met with considerable opposition. This led to various minor works either summarizing the long sermon or elucidating particular points. In the end, Grote?s opponents succeeded in their efforts to bring about his downfall. In the present volume the major documents in the focarists? dossier are edited scientifically for the first time, replacing the earlier 1830?s edition. The volume also presents an editio princeps of a Middle Dutch partial translation as well as of a recently discovered fragment elaborating on the contents of dictum 2. In unfolding his diatribe, Grote relies on a great number of authorities and predecessors. A detailed analysis of this wealth of material has resulted in a highly innovative assessment of Grote?s use of sources, included among the introductory matter. Languages: Latin.
Paris, Presses Universitaires de France 1969, 235x170mm, 672 + 666 + 855pages, broché. Couverture à rabats. Bel exemplaire.
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Turnhout/ Leuven, Brepols/ University Press 1976-1977 Complet en 3 volumes, over 1.000pp., 26cm., brochures originales, la plupart des pages sont toujours non coupées, qqs. rousseurs aux tranches supérieures, texte et intérieur sont très frais, poids: 3kg., R117037