‎Ribadeneira, Pedro de‎
‎Illustrium Scriptorum Religionis, Societatis Iesu Catalogus‎

‎ 1609 Imprimerie et édition Jean Pillehotte, Lyon, 1609. In-8, plein parchemin d'époque. 310 pages, feuillet d'errata. Bibliographie, listes des martyrs et des établissements et missions‎

Reference : 1927

‎Très bel exemplaire, ex-libris (d'époque) manuscrit. Titre manuscrit au dosSeconde édition augmentée ‎

€800.00 (€800.00 )
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Livres Anciens Gilles Barbero
Mme Valérie Rouquette
3 Rue Saint-Julien
13200 Arles



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3 book(s) with the same title

‎[Apud Io. Pillehotte [ Jean Pillehotte ]] - ‎ ‎RIBADENEIRA, P. Petrus ; [ RIBADENEYRA, Pedro ; RIBADENERA, Pierre ]‎

Reference : 65442


‎Illustrium Scriptorum Religionis Societatis Iesu Catalogus : Auctore P. Petro Ribadeneira, Societatis eiusdem Theologo‎

‎Hac secunda Editione auctus, 1 vol. petit in-8 reliure de l'époque plein vélin, Apud Io. Pillehotte [ Jean Pillehotte ], Lugduni [Lyon ], 1609, 304 pp. et 4 ff. n. ch.‎

‎Rare exemplaire de la seconde édition, l'édition originale datant de 1608, publiée par l'imprimerie plantinienne de Jean Moret. A propos de ces deux premières éditions, citons le commentaire de Backer dans la "Bibliothèque des écrivains de la Compagnie de Jésus" : "Tel est le premier jet de la bibliothèque de nos écrivains ; ils y sont au nombre de deux cent cinquante, rangés par ordre alphabétique de leurs noms de baptême, avec les titres en latin de leurs ouvrages imprimés et manuscrits. Il fut réimprimé à Lyon en 1609, augmenté des articles des jésuites français que Ribadeneira n'avait pas connu [... ]" (Backer, III, 669). Bon état (2 petits travaux de vers marginaux n'affectant pas le texte, bon exemplaire par ailleurs, ex-libris ms. "Jean Coulomb" en marge du second feuillet) pour cette rare seconde édition par le célèbre père jésuite basque Pedro Ribadeneira (1526-1611). Gendre de Michel Jouve, le libraire Jean Pillehotte continua d'être le libraire de la Compagnie de Jésus à la mort de son beau-père et dirigera avec habilité son commerce jusqu'à sa mort en 1612 (Baudrier, II, 224)‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR1,150.00 (€1,150.00 )

‎RIBADENEIRA Pedro de - Ribadenera - Ribadeneyra :‎

Reference : 23464

‎Illustrium Scriptorum Religionis' Societatis Iesu Catalogus. Hac secunda Editione auctus.‎

‎.: Lugduni (Lyon), apud Io. Pillehotte, 1609, small in-8°, 17 x 11 cm, title with architectural woodcut + 304 pp + (8) nn pp (index, errata), contemporary full vellum, red leather title label on spine, red sprinkled edges, a worm gallery in the upper margin of approx. 30 pp (not affecrting the text), small name stamp on the blank lower marin of the title, still a nice copy. This is the first bibliography of Jesuit writings by one of its founders. Ribadeneira (Toledo 1526 - 1611) entered the Society of Jesus on Sept. 18th 1540, at the age of fourteen and eight days before the approval of the order by Pope Paul III. This Lyons' edition is the second edition, as stated on the title. According the bibliography of De Backer-Sommervogel (Volume VI, col. 1754, item 13) there was an edition of 1602 (but De Backer never saw this edition). In 1608 Plantin-Moretus published an edition. It might be assumed that our edition is named second edition in reference to this Plantin-Moretus edition especially if we consider the author's preface which is dated November 1605 and the dedication to the Antwerp bishop Torrentius. The author lists not only the publications of his Jesuit collegues but gives also biographical details. At the end is a detailed list of all the Jesuit colleges around the world. E.g. in Japan there are 154 jesuits divided over 12 colleges.With a Latin ode by the Antwerp bishop Torrentius on the Jesuit Order.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )

‎RIBADENEIRA Pedro de - Ribadenera - Ribadeneyra :‎

Reference : 33529

‎Illustrium Scriptorum Religionis' Societatis Iesu Catalogus. Hac secunda Editione auctus.‎

‎.: Lugduni (Lyon), apud Io. Pillehotte, 1609, small in-8°, 17 x 11 cm, title with architectural woodcut + 304 pp + (8) nn pp (index, errata), modern full leather binding with blind-tooling on both covers, raised spine with gilt title, edges painted blue (original bookblock retained and untouched), some small perpendicular worm galleries not interfering with legibility, small manuscript name on title. A bit stained and browned throughout. This is the first bibliography of Jesuit writings by one of its founders. Ribadeneira (Toledo 1526 - 1611) entered the Society of Jesus on Sept. 18th 1540, at the age of fourteen and eight days before the approval of the order by Pope Paul III. This Lyon edition is the second edition, as stated on the title. According the bibliography of De Backer-Sommervogel (Volume VI, col. 1754, item 13) there was an edition of 1602 (but De Backer never saw this edition). In 1608 Plantin-Moretus published an edition. It might be assumed that our edition is named the second in reference to this Plantin-Moretus edition especially if we consider the author's preface dated November 1605 and the dedication to the Antwerp bishop Torrentius. The author lists not only the publications of his Jesuit colleagues but gives also biographical details. At the end is a detailed list of all the Jesuit colleges around the world. E.g. in Japan there are 154 jesuits divided over 12 colleges.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR1,200.00 (€1,200.00 )
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