1750 s.n., Brest (Amsterdam), 1750. In-12, plein veau porphire, dos orné.(xiv), 211 pages
Reference : 1716
Ce livre fut mis à l'Index des livres interdits en 1751. Toute petite tache sous la date en page de titre.Sinon, très bel exemplaire de toute blancheur. Peu commun
Livres Anciens Gilles Barbero
Mme Valérie Rouquette
3 Rue Saint-Julien
13200 Arles
Conformes aux usages du Syndicat de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne. <br />Les prix indiqués sont nets, port en sus : 10 euros sauf conditions particulières. Le paiement peut s'effectuer par carte bancaire, à distance (V. A. D. ), chèque ou mandat. Envoi des ouvrages dès réception du règlement.
".: 10. Brest, (Amsterdam) s.e., 1750, in-12°, xiv + 211 pp, contemporary leather, gilt decorated raised spine, marbled endpapers, red edges, some library stamps on title, title printed in red and black.. Nicolas Jouin, 1684 - 1757, satirical jansenist poet and pamphleteer from Chartres, jeweller and Paris banker; spent some time at the Bastille. (Authorship of this anonymous publication according to P. Lelong, see also Library of Congress n° 85884511)."
".: Brest, s.e., 1750, in-12°, xiv + 254 pp, contemporary leather, spine very worn, upper joint broken but still holding, red edges, copy from the library of Victor Chauvin , with some pencil notes in his hand on the first paste-down and an ex-libris with his portrait on the first fly-leaf. According to his notes this book was put on the Roman Catholic Index of forbiden books on May 11th 1754. Nicolas Jouin, 1684 - 1757, satirical jansenist poet and pamphleteer from Chartres, jeweller and Paris banker; spent some time at the Bastille. (Authorship of this anonymous publication according to P. Lelong)."
".: Brest, (Amsterdam) s.e., 1750, in-12°, xiv + 211 pp, contemporary leather, gilt decorated raised spine, some library stamps on title, title printed in black only (we have seen this edition with two-coloured title page). Binding with some wear at extremities. Nicolas Jouin, 1684 - 1757, satirical jansenist poet and pamphleteer from Chartres, jeweller and Paris banker; spent some time at the Bastille. (Authorship of this anonymous publication according to P. Lelong, see also Library of Congress no. 85884511)."