1864 Bradbury and Evans, London 1864, fourth series. Un album oblong relié demi-chagrin à coins, premier plat illustré, 96 pages illustrées de caricatures. Premier plat partiellement décollé, reliure désassemblée, bon état intérieur.
Reference : 3714
Premier plat partiellement décollé, reliure désassemblée, bon état intérieur. Remises possibles sur les achats en lot, achetez plusieurs objets à la fois ! Reçoit sur rendez-vous pour consultation des ouvrages.
Anthare de Schuyter Librairie Ancienne
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London, Bradbury, Evans and Co., 1865, quer folio, 94 p. with approx. 340 comic ill. in woodcut + 1 l., original half-leather with ill. boards, top of spine damaged.
One of the first european comic strips. Born in Ireland, Leech already edited 1835 his first book and illustrated 1844 Dicken‘s "Christmas Carol". 1854 he edited the first volume of his "Punch" serie titled "Pictures of Life Character", which was highly praised by Thackeray in a famous recension (Quarterly review, Dec., 1854). Thieme/Becker XXII/542.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
London, Bradbury, Evans and Co., 1865, quer folio, 94 p. with approx. 340 comic ill. in woodcut + 1 l. / 96 p. without index, some stains, particularly on the title p. original half-leather with ill. boards, top of spine damaged / some damage to spine and upper corner.
One of the first european comic strips. Born in Ireland, Leech already edited 1835 his first book and illustrated 1844 Dicken‘s "Christmas Carol". 1854 he edited the first volume of his "Punch" serie titled "Pictures of Life Character", which was highly praised by Thackeray in a famous recension (Quarterly review, Dec., 1854). Thieme/Becker XXII/542.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Bradbury, Agnew & co, London, s.d. (vers 1860). 5 volumes in folio oblongs, (45 x 31 cm) reliure éditeur en percaline de couleurs différentes à décor doré, vol.1 : 2 f., 93 p., 1 f. d'index ; vol. 2 : 2 f., 95 p., 1 f. ; vol. 3 : 93 p., 1 f. ; vol. 4 : 95 p., 1 f. ; vol. 5 : 93 p., 1 f. Texte en anglais. Usures sur les coiffes et les coins, bon état général.
En 1840 Leech fut employé en tant qu'illustrateur pour le London Magazine et le Bentley's Miscellany. L'année suivante, recruté par le nouveau journal "Punch Magazine", ses desssins humoristiques devinrent si populaires qu'il fut à l'origine du grand succès du magazine.In 1840 Leech was employed by the London Magazine and Bentley's Miscellany to supply illustrations. The following year he was recruited by a new journal, Punch Magazine, founded by Mark Lemon and Henry Mayhew. Leech's humourous drawings were extremely popular and was one of the main reasons the magazine became a great success.
London Bradbury, Agnew, & Co. 1887 Très bon exemplaire dans les planches biseautées d'origine, couvertes de tissu rouge et dorées. Dédié artistiquement avec une inscription peinte à la main sur le papier de garde. Très bien conservé dans l'ensemble. Toutes les tranches des pages sont dorées. 286 pages. 310 x 255 mm (12Œ x 10 pouces).
Very good copy in the original gilt-blocked, red cloth covered bevelled boards. Artistically dedicated with elaborate hand painted inscription to front end paper. Very well preserved overall. All page edges gilt. 286 pages. 310 x 255 mm (12Œ x 10 inches).
Reference : alb4cb3d7e705ff52b6
William. Modern Persia. Pictures of Modern Persian Life and Character In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Uils. Sovremennaya Persiya. Kartinki sovremennoy persidskoy zhizni i kharakteraTranslated from English by I. Korostovtsov St. Petersburg: The Printing House of A.S. Suvorin 1887 VII 279s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb4cb3d7e705ff52b6