2007 Editions Intervalles, Paris, 2007. Un volume in 8° à l'italienne, cartonnage éditeur illustré, 140 pages, très bon état. Illustrations en noir et en couleurs.
Reference : 2579
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Reference : alb42ad3f98119d2ca2
Minaev I.P. Essays on Ceylon and India. From Russian travel notes. Part II. /Minaev I.P. Ocherki Tseylona i Indii. Iz putevykh zametok russkogo. Chast' II. St. Petersburg Edition by Leningrad F. Panteleev. 1878. Ivan Pavlovich Minaev (1840-1890) is a major scientist an Indologist a talented publicist and a traveler in India. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb42ad3f98119d2ca2
Reference : bd-fd4c05409f7eb7fb
Images of India by S. Chuykov. Notes by the artist. Design by Yuri Vasilyev. 1956./Obrazy Indii S.Chuykov. Zapiski khudozhnika. Oforml. khud. Yu. Vasileva. 1956 g. The book contains many diary entries but much more than descriptions of meetings and landscapes which in themselves were important and contributed to the artists main task. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUbd-fd4c05409f7eb7fb.
Reference : alb2f90ac8a2a08583d
Chechetkina Olga. India without miracles. Travel notes about faraway countries. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Chechetkina Olga. Indiya bez chudes. Putevye zapiski o dalnikh stranakh.. Artist S. Pozharsky. Photo on France and Holland by M. Kalashnikova on England-I. Shagin. Moscow. The Young Guard. 1948. 256 p. SKUalb2f90ac8a2a08583d.
Reference : alb1f4c46618099ffff
Minaev I. P. Essays on Ceylon and India from Russian Travel Notes. Parts 1 and 2. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Minaev I. P. Ocherki Tseylona i Indii iz putevykh zametok russkogo. Chast1 i 2. S.Pb.L.F.Panteleeva. 1878.year 284s. SKUalb1f4c46618099ffff.
Reference : alb5bda717ef0adf5b6
Pirates of the Caribbean: Secret Notes of the East India Trading Company. /Piraty Karibskogo morya. Sekretnye zapiski Ost-Indskoy torgovoy kompanii. Disney. Egmont. 2007. 28s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb5bda717ef0adf5b6