‎ERASME. (1466-1536).‎

‎ Amsterdam. Elzévir, 1662. In-12, 9ff.-672 pages. Veau brun, dos à nerfs orné. Reliure d'époque. (Manque de cuir sur les coiffes, petite galerie de vers dans la marge inférieure des 10 derniers feuillets). Reliure d'époque.‎

Reference : 2256

‎Beau titre frontispice. (Brunet tome II page 1040).‎

€120.00 (€120.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

Reference : 1494

‎COLLOQUIA ET DICTIONARIOLUM Octo Linguarum, Latinae, Gallicae, Belgicae, Teutonicae, Hispanicae, Italicae, Anglicae et Portugallicae. Liber omnibus linguarum studiosis domi ac foris apprime necessarius‎

‎ COLLOQUIA ET DICTIONARIOLUM Octo Linguarum, Latinae, Gallicae, Belgicae, Teutonicae, Hispanicae, Italicae, Anglicae et Portugallicae. Liber omnibus linguarum studiosis domi ac foris apprime necessarius. Collogues ou Dialogues, avec un Dictionaire en huit languages, Latin, Flamen, Francois, Alleman, Espagnol, Italien, Anglois & Portuguez: nouvellement reveus, corrigez, & augmentez de quatre dialogues, tres profitables & utils, tant au fait de marchandise, qu'aux voyages & autres traffiques. Colloquien oft tsamensprekinghen, met een Vocabulaer in acht spraken, Latijn, Francois, Neerduy...Rare Vlissingen imprint Flushing, Martinum Abrahami, F. vander Nolck,AMSTERDAM 1631Oblong small 8vo. Contemporary vellum. (208) lvs. Rare Flushing imprint of a popular Colloquia and Dictionary in 8 languages, Latin, French, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian, English, and Portugese, printed in that order in parallel columns over two opposite pages, in four different types to each page, respectively Roman, Italic, Gothic, and Civilité types. According to Claes, Verdeyen, and Van Loonen the first edition, in French and Dutch only, had been published in about 1530, and had been composed by an Antwerp schoolteacher, Noel de Barlaimont. Since then it had been continuously added to and published in a varying numbers of languages, up till the present eight languages. The present edition starts with explaining to the students the importance of language-study, not only for merchants and travellers, but also for the people at court or in the army, and assures the students that they will be taught to speak and write in all the major languages in an easy and inexpensive way, for which they otherwise would have had to pay several expensive language teachers. The book itself is divided in two main parts, the first part containing, in 8 chapters, dialogues in various situations, at the dinner-table, when bying and selling, when pressing for payment, asking for travelling directions and other informations, at an inn, on rising, opening-hours etc., on merchandizing, and writing reports, contracts, receipts of payment etc. The second part then contains a vocabulary of words most in use, also in 8 languages, the alphabet arranged after the Dutch. At the end a short treatise on pronunciation of the French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch language is added. Good copy of a rare edition.- (Binding professionally restored, with new endpapers). Verdeyen 61; Riemens 107 c; Loonen pp. 279-280; Cf. Coll. Warren-Cordell p. 43 (Amsterdam ed. of 1624); Muller 41 (Amsterdam ed. of 1631); NUC lists 1 copy (edition Delft, 1613); On colloquia in general: Bibelebontse Berg pp. 89-90; not in Simoni, nor in Carter-Vervliet.‎

Phone number : 06 12 23 97 16

EUR1,000.00 (€1,000.00 )


Reference : AUB-5220


‎Luciani Samosatensis Colloquia Selecta & Timon. Cebetis Thebani Tabula. Menandri, Sententiae Morales, Sententiae Morales, Graeca & Latine. Colloquia Luciani & Timonem Notis illustravit. Tiberius Hemsterhuis.‎

‎Amsterdami apud R.& G.WETSTENIOS & G.SMITH. 1732. Bon exemplaire relié, reliure plein cuir d'orig. 14 x 8 cms. 178 pages + 174 p. + 122 p. + 2 pl. et notes. Dos à 5 nerfs, enluminures et titres dorés. Une gravure en frontispice et une gravure dépliante en fin de volume. Bon état.‎

CHF350.00 (€375.15 )


Reference : 54744


‎Colloquia scholastica. Shkol'nye razgovory. Schul=Gespräche. Dialogves.‎

‎Sanktpeterburg : Pechatany pri Imperatorskoi Akademii nauk, 1763. 8vo. In contemproary full calf binding with five raised bands and embossed ornamentation to spine. Extremities with wear and front free end-papers heavily annotated. Each leaf printed in two collum. Multi-language (In Latin, Russian, French, and German).Internally fine. (2), 215 pp.‎

‎Russian translation of Joachim Lange's influential popular ""Colloquia Scholastica"" translated by Martin Schwanwitz. ""After having returned to the Academy of Science in 1735, Schwanwitz got the order to translate Joachim Lange's popular ""Colloquia Scholastica"" into Russian, whereas his colleague Johann Eberhard Fischer, rector of the Academy School's Latin Section, translated the Latin part into German. The new Latin-Russian-German-French version was published in 1738 at the Academy Press (reprints followed around 1748/49 [year, indicated on the title of this edition: 1738], in 1763 [number of copies published: 1200] and 1789). In Russian schools, the School Dialogues became highly popular and were used intensely until the end of the 18th century. They were indispensable in the lower German classes, where, according to the Academy school's curricula of 1748 and 1758, their use was compulsory. Later, in 1776, the Moscow University issued a version in five languages that also included a translation into Greek (further editions in 1785 and 1800)."" (Deutsches Historisches Institut, Moskau).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

‎ERASME, Didier (ca 1466/69-1536)‎

Reference : 9228


‎Desiderii Erasmi colloquia familiaria, nunc emendatoria, quibus accedunt noae recognitae & auctae a Davide Constantio.‎

‎ 1681 Genevae [Genève], apud Samuelem de Tournes, 1681. Un volume in-12° de [16]+809+[3] pages, y compris le titre frontispice gravé anonyme. Reliure de lépoque en pleine basane marron, dos à nerfs orné de fleurons, tranches mouchetées. Coiffe inférieure manquante, malgré une ancienne restauration et bas de la charnière supérieure fendu, coins émoussés; titre frontispice réparé.‎

‎Nouvelle édition des fameux «colloquia», annotés par David Constant de Rebecque (1638-1733), de Lausanne, pasteur, puis professeur à lAcadémie de Lausanne de 1674 à 1726. ‎

Phone number : 021/312 85 42

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )


Reference : 74339


‎Colloquia cum notis selectis variorum. Addito indice novo‎

‎Delft et Leyde, Benam et Samuel Luchtmans, 1729, in-8, front, [14]-784-[21] pp, basane havane de l'époque, dos à nerfs et fleuronné, pièce de titre rouge, tranches rouges, roulette sur les coupes, Joli frontispice gravé sur cuivre signé P.P. Titre en rouge et noir. Bonne édition des Colloques d'Érasme. Légères épidermures. Brunet II, 1041. Couverture rigide‎

‎Bon front., [14]-784-[21] pp.‎


Phone number : 331 42 60 21 98

EUR130.00 (€130.00 )
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