Bruxelles, Editions P.- H. Goosens, 1951. 23 x 28, 366 pp., très nombreuses illustrations et cartes en N/B, broché, bon état (couverture légèrement défraîchie).
Reference : 49597
Librairie Ausone
M. Michaël Collet
chaussée de Gand, 366, boîte 7
1080 Bruxelles
32 (0)2 410 33 27
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Éditions P.H. GOOSSENS Bruxelles ( editor-publisher ) - A. HAULOT ( preface ) :
Reference : 41250
.: 2. Bruxelles, éditions P.H. Goossens, 1950, small in-4°, 27 x 21 cm, 366 pp, black/white illustrations, with publicity between the text, tri-lingual - French, Dutch, English. Bound in imitation leather with gilt title on front cover. First yearbook on Belgian Tourism published after the Second World War with tourist detailed information on all town and villages , with maps.