Tokyo, Igaku Shoin LTD., 1974. 18 x 26, 784 pp., nombreuses figures (many pictures), reliure d'édition pleine toile rouge (harcover : red publishing binding), bon état (fine condition).
Reference : 104.080
Livre en langue anglaise/ English book.
Librairie Ausone
M. Michaël Collet
chaussée de Gand, 366, boîte 7
1080 Bruxelles
32 (0)2 410 33 27
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1968-2002 Serge Daan (1940-2018), was a Dutch scientist known for his significant contributions to the field of Chronobiology (and a pupil of Jürgen Aschoff).
1976-2000 Serge Daan (1940-201 8), was a Dutch scientist known for his significant contributions to the field of Chronobiology (and a pupil of Jürgen Aschoff).
New York, Paris, Frankfurt, Pergamon Press, 1980. 17 x 25, 358 pp., nombreuses figures, reliure d'édition percaline ocre (harcover : yellow publishing binding), très bon état (very fine condition).
Livre en langue anglaise/ English book.
1999 136 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis. Very good copy.