Anvers, Imprimerie J. E. Buschmann, 1924. 16 x 21, 59 pp., quelques illustrations, planches (images contrecollées), broché, couverture à larges rabats, bon état.
Reference : 102.622
Impression bicolore.
Librairie Ausone
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Anvers ( Antwerpen ) , Buschmann, 1924, small in-4°, 59 pp, tipped-in and other black/white and coloured plates, printed in two colours (black and Venetian red) with many ornaments and vignets. Bound in half-cloth, covers with marbled paper, original wrapper preserved. Ex-library with some small markings ( not on the title page). Fine typography worthy of this first rate printing house famous for its fine bibliophile editions. Information on the history and archives of the Antwerp printer and publisher Buschmann.
Anvers ( Antwerpen ) , Buschmann, 1924, small in-4°, 59 pp, sewn, orig.wrapper, tipped-in and other b.w. + col. plates, printed in two colours (black and Venetian red) with many ornaments and vignets. Fine typography worthy of this first rate printing house famous for its fine bibliophile editions. Information on the history and archives of the Antwerp printer and publisher Buschmann.