‎[Littérature] – SIMON (Claude).‎
‎La Palace.‎

‎ Editions de Minuit, 1962, pt in-8°, 230 pp, broché, couv. blanche imprimée en noir et bleu, broché, bon état. Première édition sur papier courant (Vignes, 407)‎

Reference : 122278

‎Une évocation de la Révolution espagnole, à laquelle Claude Simon avait pris part à Barcelone en 1936. Claude Simon décrit l'attente du combat pour un groupe de volontaires républicains à Barcelone durant la guerre d'Espagne, alors que la ville était agitée par les conflits entre anarchistes et républicains. L'observateur est immobile, le plus souvent dans la chambre d'un palace abandonné, en compagnie d'un Italien, d'un instituteur, d'un Américain. La présence de la guerre est donc saisie indirectement par des signes, fusils, portraits d'hommes politiques, slogans, etc. ‎

€25.00 (€25.00 )
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5 book(s) with the same title

‎Lynda Mulvin, Nigel Westbrook (eds)‎

Reference : 65775

‎Late Antique Palatine Architecture. Palaces and Palace Culture: Patterns of Transculturation‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 213 pages, Size:220 x 280 mm, Illustrations:110 b/w, 50 col., 10 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503574721.‎

‎Summary Late antique palaces and palace culture served as the loci of dramatic shifts in architecture and design, as well as urban planning, public works and patronage, in the imperial cities of Rome and Constantinople, and the first palatine centres of the Holy Roman Empire. This volume provides a wealth of detailed information and perspectives on late antique and early medieval design practices, with emphasis on the new spatial configurations and their decorative schema. The essays in this collection provide original, ground-breaking narratives on palatine architecture and culture in this period, integrating cross-cultural dialogues from Rome as centre of imperial palace architecture with details of late palace embellishments and the ceremonial usage which was brought to the fore, as the discussion shifts to the new imperial capital of Nova Roma, Constantinople, and then to the Carolingian centres via Rome and Ravenna. A parallel discussion emerges, where prototypes for palaces and ceremonial courts were imported and reinterpreted through a process of citation. Principal interest resides in the contrasts of palatial and residential complexes, intended to demonstrate new ceremonies and the practices enacted within and through them. The focus of the volume is then shifted to eastern and western provincial and rural high-status residences and landscapes of power, examining the relationships between palaces and late Roman villas and the court and court culture, ultimately revealing a political agenda in use through and in the language of architecture. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Preface in commemoration of Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt - Adolf Hoffmann The Palace of the Roman Emperors on the Palatine in Rome - Ulrike Wulf-Rheidt Magna Mater and the pignora imperii: Creating Places of Power - Sarah Wilson The Political Power of the Palace: The Residences of Maxentius in Rome - Elisha Ann Dumser Adapting to a New Concept of Sovereignty: Some Remarks on Tetrarchic Palace Architecture - Dr Verena Jaeschke Diocletian's Palace: Villa, Sacrum Palatium, Villa-Cum-Factory, Chateau? - Josko Belamaric Architecture, Innovation and Economy in the Late Roman Danube-Balkan Region: Palaces and 'Productive Villas' from Pannonia - Lynda Mulvin The porticus post scaenam of Lugdunum Convenarum - Daniel M. Millette The Question of the Survival of Roman Architectural Traditions within the Byzantine Great Palace - Nigel Westbrook 'In More Romano': Medieval Residences of the Holy Roman Empire - Bernd Nicolai Bibliography‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎STERN, Ernesta ; [ MARIA STAR ]‎

Reference : 63672


‎Jubilé de la Reine Victoria. 22 juin 1897. Album unique composé de documents collectés par Ernesta Stern dont : Plan de l'itinéraire de la procession ; 6 photographies par Downey, photographe de la Reine ; Portrait de la reine par Nicholson (gravure sur bois en couleurs) ; 3 invitations diverses ; Programme du Royal Opera Covent Garden du 23 juin 1897, sur soie à galons d'argent ("To commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Her Majest's Accession to the Throne") ; 5 ephemera dont invitation de Lord Chamberlain à l'Afternoon Party du 28 juin 1897 à Buckingham Palace ("The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by The Queen to invite Monsieur & Madame Stern & Mademoiselle Stern to an afternoon Party on Monday, the 28th of June, from 5 to 7 o'Clock. Buckingham Palace") , etc... - Jubilee of Queen Victoria. June 22, 1897. Unique album composed of documents collected by Ernesta Stern including: Map of the route of the procession; 6 photographs by Downey, photographer to the Queen; Portrait of the Queen by Nicholson (colour woodcut); 3 various invitations; Program of the Royal Opera Covent Garden of June 23, 1897, on silk with silver braid ("To commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Her Majest's Accession to the Throne"); 5 ephemera including Lord Chamberlain's invitation to the Afternoon Party of 28 June 1897 at Buckingham Palace ("The Lord Chamberlain is commanded by The Queen to invite Monsieur & Madame Stern & Mademoiselle Stern to an afternoon Party on Monday, the 28th of June, from 5 to 7 o'Clock. Buckingham Palace"), etc.‎

‎Album in-folio oblong (41 x 63 cm) pleine toile grise d'époque, armes d'Angleterre peintes sur le premier plat, médaille incrustée en bas du premier plat ("Victoria Regina et Imperatrix" à l'avers, "In Commemoration Victoria 1837-1897" au revers), Jubilé de la Reine Victoria. 22 juin 1897. Album unique composé de documents collectés par Ernesta Stern dont : Plan de l'itinéraire de la procession ; 6 photographies par Downey, photographe de la Reine ; Portrait de la reine par Nicholson (gravure sur bois en couleurs) ; 3 invitations diverses ; Programme du Royal Opera Covent Garden du 23 juin 1897, sur soie à galons d'argent ("To commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Her Majest's Accession to the Throne") ; 5 ephemera dont invitation de Lord Chamberlain à l'Afternoon Party du 28 juin 1897 à Buckingham Palace ("The Lord Chamberlain is commanded bu The Queen to invite Monsieur & Madame Stern & Mademoiselle Stern to an afternoon Party on Monday, the 28th of June, from 5 to 7 o'Clock. Buckingham Palace") - Jubilee of Queen Victoria. June 22, 1897. Unique album composed of documents collected by Ernesta Stern including: Map of the route of the procession; 6 photographs by Downey, photographer to the Queen; Portrait of the Queen by Nicholson (colour woodcut); 3 various invitations; Program of the Royal Opera Covent Garden of June 23, 1897, on silk with silver braid ("To commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Her Majest's Accession to the Throne"); 5 ephemera including Lord Chamberlain's invitation to the Afternoon Party of 28 June 1897 at Buckingham Palace ("The Lord Chamberlain is commanded bu The Queen to invite Monsieur & Madame Stern & Mademoiselle Stern to an afternoon Party on Monday, the 28th of June, from 5 to 7 o'Clock. Buckingham Palace")‎

‎Impressionnant album souvenir unique du Jubilé de la Reine Victoria, composé par Ernesta Stern (1854-1926) alias "Maria Star", écrivain fameuse pour son salon du Faubourg Saint-Honoré où elle accueillit notamment Marinetti ou Marcel Proust. Née Maria Ernesta Hierschel de Minerbi, elle épousa le banquier Louis Stern. Etat très satisfaisant (frottements et rousseurs, plusieurs feuillets débrochés). Impressive unique souvenir album of Queen Victoria's Jubilee, composed by Ernesta Stern (1854-1926) alias "Maria Star", famous writer for her salon in Faubourg Saint-Honoré where she notably welcomed Marinetti or Marcel Proust. Born Maria Ernesta Hierschel de Minerbi, she married the banker Louis Stern (binding rubbed, some foxing, several unstitched leaves).‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR750.00 (€750.00 )


Reference : 26010

‎Aedes Academiarum, The Academies and their Palace‎

‎be / lannoo /, Academie Royale de Belgique/Verhandelingen. Koninklijke Academie van Belgie. Bruxelles/Brussel., Palais des Academies/Paleis der Academien., 2010 bound, 160pp, 32x25x2 cm . ISBN 9789020991956.‎

‎What goes on in the palace that rises at the south-east corner of the Warande Park in Brussels, in sight of Palaces' Square? What is hiding behind the classical facade adorned with Ionic pilasters, which extends between the Royal Palace and the Prime Minister's official residence? Although situated at the heart of the executive institutions, the building does not house any governmental body but instead five Belgian academies, three French-speaking and two Dutch-speaking associations of eminent scientists, artists and authors who together represent the country?s highest academic authority. The palace became the seat of the Royal Academy of Science, Literature and Fine Arts in 1876, but at that time the famous institution and the building had already gone through an eventful history. The palace, erected between 1823 and 1829, had not been designed as an Aedes Academiarum but as a princely residence. It was built for a Dutch prince who was eager to establish himself as king in the Southern Netherlands and it was intended to concretize this ambition in tangible form. This book recounts the history of the Belgian academies and their palace. It discloses the unlikely intentions that underlay the origin of the building and traces the development of its design. It also presents the five academies housed in the palace: the Academie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux- Arts, the Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten, the Academie Royale de Medecine, the Koninklijke Academie voor Geneeskunde, and the Academie Royale de Langue et Litterature francaises. (The Dutchlanguage counterpart of the latter, the Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en Letterkunde, is based in Ghent.) ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.95 (€39.95 )

‎[Gaumont-Palace] - ‎ ‎GAUMONT PALACE ; FEUILLADE, Louis‎

Reference : 58077


‎Fantômas contre Fantômas. Drame [ Avec : ] Gaumont Palace. Saison 1913-1914 [ Edition originale ]‎

‎2 brochures in-8, 1913-1914, Gaumont-Palace, 36 pp. et 1 f. ; 10 ff.‎

‎Très rare ensemble réunissant la notice complète du film muet "Fantômas contre Fantômas", des "Grands Films Artistiques Gaumont", et le programme du "Gaumont Palace" pour la saison 1913-1914. Comme il est indiqué au bas de la couverture de la notice, "Cette Notice, délivrée gratuitement avec le Programme, ne peut-être vendue". Ouvert le 11 octobre 1911, le Gaumont-Palace "plus grand cinéma du monde", avait une capacité de 3400 places. Bon ensemble (couv. de la notice un peu frottée, le spectateur a annoté une couv. et une page de titre en précisant la date : "vendredi 13 mars 14", bon exemplaire par ailleurs). Inspiré du roman de Pierre Souvestre et Marcel Allain "Fantômas, le policier apache", les vedettes du film de Louis Feuillade étaient Georges Melchior (Fandor), René Navarre (Fantômas...), et Edmond Bréon (Juve).‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR490.00 (€490.00 )

‎Collectif ‎

Reference : 13514


‎GAUMONT PALACE réunion de trois programmes : 1) GUAMONT PALACE Hippodrome Programme saison 1912 1913 160x240mm. 16 pages illustrées sur papier couché. 2) GAUMONT PALACE CLEOPATRE 160x240mm.(1912) 3) les millions de la bonne GAUMONT PALACE les millions de la bonne vaudeville. 16 pages illustrées ‎

Charbonnel - Bar le Duc

Phone number : 03 29 79 40 63

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )
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