Paris, Galerie Darthea Speyer, 14 mars 26 avril 1996 plaquette in 8 carrée de 36 pages
Reference : 4087
20 illustrations en couleurs. Texte de josé Pierre. Bel exemplaire.
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Première étape du périple autour du monde de Petzi et ses amis. Avec l'aide d'une gentille baleine, les passagers du Mary atteignent un petit royaume où ils font la connaissance de la princesse Ursula, une ravissante petite oursonne...
Reference : alb7fd0065338a4112f
Ursula Le Guin. Ursula Le Guins Worlds in 12 Volumes. In Russian (ask us if in d. Series: The Worlds of Ursula le Guin. Riga Polaris 1997-1998. 1. Heavenly Cutter. Threshold. 2. Eye of the Heron. 3. City of Illusions. Rockannon. Planet of Exile. 4. A Word for the Forest and the World One. Twelve Rumbs of the Wind. Stories. 5. Always Coming Home (Book 1). 6. Always Coming Home (Book 2). 7. Left Hand of Darkness. King of the Planet Winter. 8. Four Ways to Goodbye. 9. Divided. 10. Wind Rose. SKUalb7fd0065338a4112f.
Reference : alb862d190e86c5db8c
Ursula Le Guin. Ursula Le Guins Worlds. A collection of fantastic works: in 12 volumes. Complete set. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Le Guin Ursula. Miry Ursuly Le Guin. Sobranie fantasticheskikh proizvedeniy: v 12-ti tomakh. Polnyy komplekt. M Riga Polaris 1997-98. Contents: 1. The Threshold of Heaven. Threshold. 2. The Eye of the Heron. Stories about Orsinia. 3. City of Illusions. Rocannon. Planet of Exile. 4. A Word for the Forest and the World One. Twelve Rumbles of the Wind. Stories. 5. Always Coming Home (Book 1). 6. Always Coming Home (Book 2). 7. The Left Hand of Darkness. The King of the Planet Winter. 8. Four Ways to Forgiveness. 9. The Dispossessed. 10. The Rose of the Winds. Tales. A bull from the Inland. Tales. 11. The Magician of the Atuan Tomb. 12. On the Last Coast. Texas: The Last Book of the Earth. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb862d190e86c5db8c
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Ursula Le Guin. Ursula Le Guin's Worlds in 12 (twelve) volumes. Complete set. /Le Guin Ursula. Miry Ursuly Le Guin v 12 (dvenadtsati) tomakh. Polnyy komplekt. Riga Polaris 1997-1998. 1. The Threshold of Heaven. Threshold. 2. The Eye of the Heron. Stories about Orsinia. 3. City of Illusions. Rockannon. Planet of Exile. 4. A Word for the Forest and Mirage. One. Twelve Rumbles of the Wind. Stories. 5. Always Coming Home (Book 1). 6. Always Coming Home (Book 2). 7. The Left Hand of Darkness. The King of the Planet Winter. 8. Four Ways to Goodbye. 9. Divided. 10. A Wind Rose. Tales. A Fisherman from the Inland. Tales. 11. The Magician of the Earth. Atuan Tombs. 12. On the Last Coast. Texas: The Last Book of the Earth. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb26c0d7f6a75c101d
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Le Gouin Ursula. Ursula Le Gouin's Worlds in 12 (twelve) volumes.. 11 volumes available. No Volume 10 /LeGuin Ursula. Miry Ursuly Le Guin v 12 (dvenadtsati) tomakh. V nalichii 11 tomov. Net toma 10 Riga Polaris 1997-1998. Entered: 1. The Threshold of Heaven. Threshold. 2. The Eye of the Heron. Stories about Orsinia. 3. City of Illusions. Rocannon. Planet of Exile. 4. A Word for the Forest and Mirage. One. Twelve Rumbs of the Wind. Stories. 5. Always Coming Home (Book 1). 6. Always Coming Home (Book 2). 7. The Left Hand of Darkness. The King of the Planet Winter. 8. Four Ways to Goodbye. 9. Shared. 10. The Rose of the Wind. Tales. A Fisherman from the Inland. Tales. 11. The Magician of the Earth. Atuan Tombs. 12. On the Last Coast. Texas: The Last Book of the Earth. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbbb264b49f8e51935