Saint-Etienne, Musée d'art et d'industrie, 1978 in 4 agraffé de 48 pages
Reference : 2513
26 Oeuvres reproduites en noir. 60 notices. Présentation, chronologie. Bon exemplaire
Librairie Pascal Corseaux
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Walburga Krupp, Isabelle Ewig, Medea Hoch, Agathe Mareuge, Simona Martinoli, Susanne N. Nielsen, Caroline Ugelstad, Laura Pirkelbauer, Flas/De Boodt, Hans Arp
Reference : 64649
, Mercatorfonds, 2024 HB+, 290 x 230 mm, 288 p, 280 Color illustrations, ENG edi. ISBN 9789462303782.
Hans (Jean) Arp (1886-1966) and Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889-1943) are probably the best-known artist couple in modern art of the 20th century, alongside Robert Delaunay and Sonia Delaunay-Terk. Both were highly gifted and worked in many different genres. Arp was a painter, poet, sculptor and made collages, drawings, reliefs, textiles, woodcuts and much more. TaeuberArp was a textile artist, dancer, designer, editor of an art magazine, painter, sculptor and teacher. They were both pioneers of abstract art, Arp in a biomorphic way, Taeuber-Arp in a more geometric way. As pioneers of abstract art. they created a unique body of work. When they met in Zurich in 1915, shortly before Dada began, it was the beginning of a lifelong, fruitful artistic exchange and collaboration. From drawing to construction, from textile to wall paintings, Sophie Taeuber-Arp and Hans (Jean) Arp gave rhythm to their lives, opening up geometric and organic abstraction to dance. decor, architecture, sculpture and the applied arts. Like other artist couples. they developed not only an emotional but also an artistic intimacy, as they closely followed the creation of their partner's work and discussed their aspirations almost daily. Each partner implicitly regarded the other as both disciple and guide, even when the two were working on the same project. They interacted alternately as producers and critics. performers and spectators, and considered their joint efforts not so much in the light of individual works or even a series of works in progress, but in terms of an ideal community in which other artists would eventually participate. From 1926 to 1928, they worked together on several interior design projects in Strasbourg, which allowed them to move trom Zurich to Clamart on the outskirts ot Paris in an atelier-house designed by Sophie Taeuber-Arp. The French years - from spring 1929 to autumn 1942, when they left France tor a temporary stay in Switzerland, where Taeuber-Arp accidentally died in 1943 in Zurich - were their most successful years as artists and as a couple.
Pfullingen, Günther Neske Verlag, 1959. Un volume in-4 (279 x 211 mm), reliure éditeur toilée gris clair, dos à la bradel, plat supérieur illustrée d’un dessin de Arp reproduit. ÉDITION ORIGINALE. Texte en allemand. - EXEMPLAIRE DE TÊTE AVEC SEPT GRAVURES DE HANS ARP SIGNÉES AU CRAYON. - TIRAGE : un des 33 exemplaires de tête, celui-ci numéroté X, signé par Hans Arp, les seuls à comporter toutes les gravures signées. Rarissime et magnifique, les gravures de toute beauté. Références : Arntz 396-402b - Tiessen I, 46. - ENGLISH DESCRIPTION : Pfullingen, Günther Neske Verlag, 1959. A volume in-4 (279 x 211 mm). Publisher's cloth binding, light gray canvas, back to the bradel, upper cover illustrated with a drawing by Arp reproduced. ORIGINAL FIRST EDITION, with the text in German. HEAD COPY WITH 7 ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS BY HANS ARP SIGNED IN PENCIL. - EDITION: one of 33 deluxe copies, this one numbered X, signed by Hans Arp, the only ones to include all the signed seven engravings. - ILLUSTRATION: 7 original etchings signed by Hans Arp. Extremely scarce , the engravings of great beauty. Literature: Arntz 396-402b - Tiessen I, 46. GERMAN DESCRIPTION: MONDSAND. Gedichte. Mit 7 signierten Original-Radierungen von Arp. Pfullingen, Neske, 1959. 4°. [32] Bll. (das erste u. letzte weiss). Original-Seideneinband mit Rückentitel u. Deckelillustration. In privatem Schuber. - Erste Ausgabe. - Eines von 33 römisch nummerierten Exemplaren (X) der Vorzugsausgabe, im Druckvermerk zusätzlich von Arp signiert. - Druck der Radierungen bei Fequet & Baudier in Paris. Schönes Exemplar (Arntz 396-402b - Tiessen I, 46).
Rarissime et magnifique, les gravures signées de toute beauté. Références : Arntz 396-402b - Tiessen I, 46.
Paris Drouot Calmels Cohen 2003 In-4 Broché, couverture à découpe Edition originale
Catalogue de la vente publique de la collection de François Arp organisée à Drouot le 12 juin 2003, proposant 97 oeuvres de jean Arp, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Joan Miro, Camille Bryen, Raoul Hausmann ... Nombreuses reproductions et riche iconographie; Repères bio-bibliographiques. Adjudications annotées.226 pp. Très bon exemplaire 0
Reference : 7297
Genève, Galerie Krugier, Suites 33, 1971. In-4 de [4]-36-[2] pages en feuilles sous chemise imprimée en deux tons, texte en noir, bleu ou bordeaux. Les 4 premiers feuillets sont tirés sur papier ocre. Tout petit accroc en bord supérieur de la chemise, second plat très légèrement sali, autrement en très belle condition.
Nombreuses reproductions en noir et en couleurs d'oeuvres diverses de Sophie Taeuber-Arp, certaines dépliantes. Le texte introductif de Jean Arp est extrait de "Sophie Taeuber-Arp", ouvrage de Georg Schmidt publié en 1948.
Reference : WWL-1113