Paris, Ed. Hazan, 2009. In-4, rel. éd. pleine toile chocolat sous jaquette ill. en coul., 302 pp., front., très nb. reprod. en n/b. et en coul. in et h.-t., biographie avec reprod. photogr. en n/b., bibliographie et index in fine.
Reference : 586614
ISBN : 9782754103879
Très bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 8,45 € -U.E. 13 € -Monde (z B : 23 €) (z C : 43 €)
Librairie Le Trait d'Union
Mme Catherine Pierrang
168A Avenue Pierre Brossolette
10000 Troyes
+33 (0)3 25 71 67 98
Conditions de vente conformes aux usages du SLAM - Syndicat national de la Librairie Ancienne et Moderne et de la LILA - Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne.
Kunsthalle Bielefeld 26. September bis 21. November 1982 - Städtische Galerie in Städelschen Kunstinstitut Frankfurt am Main 28. Januar bis 17. April 1983 - grand format broché souple sous couverture illustrée en couleurs, 218 pages illustrées en noir et en couleurs dont 76 planches en hors texte - bon état - texte en allemand -
, Taschen, 2011 Hardcover, 200 pages, ENG, 320 x 260 x 25 mm, in good condition, dustjacket, illustrated in colour / b/w. ISBN 9783836532532.
Max Beckmann (1884-1950) found his central theme in the angst of 20th-century interwar experience. With a style between Expressionism and New Objectivity, later softened into more radiant naturalism, the painter and printmaker probed the strife of the human condition in portraits, self-portraits, and allegorical tableau. Beckmann's early pictures showed the influence of Impressionism, with a leaning towards biblical, historical, and allegorical themes. Serving in the medical corps in Belgium during World War I, he was discharged after a nervous breakdown, and would return to art with anguished new strategies of distortion, angularity, and exaggerated color. In chaotic scenes of the circus, cabarets, carnivals, and candelit chambers, he emphasized the theatricality of life and seemed to foretell the doom of the interwar Weimar Republic with his cast of lurid characters, often peppered with ominous fragments of myth, biblical reference, and opaque allegory. Beckmann's Departure is the first in a series of triptych paintings recalling the juxtaposed scenes of heaven and hell, sin and salvation typical to medieval or Renaissance altarpieces. Though the artist denied that Departure had specific meaning, it is often regarded as an emblematic response to the rise of National Soclalism, painted at the time that the Nazis fired Beckmann from his professorship at the Frankfurt Art Academy. This monograph features more than 180 of Beckmann's from 1907 to 1950, including many of his most famous self-portraits and triptychs. Biographical essays cover his war years, the 1920s in Frankfurt, his Nazi exile years in Amsterdam, and his emigration to the United States. Bonus additional material includes photographs on which many of his paintings are based, several exhibition shots, and images from other artists as Pablo Picasso, Eugene Delacroix, Max Ernst, and Edvard Munch that visualize Beckmann's inspirations and context.
1972 Tucson art center Soft cover
Max Beckmann Graphics 270 x 220 mm, softcover, 80 pp, illustrated, good condition
Göttingen Abraham Vandenhoeck 1786. 23,3x18 cm. XX, 428 S., 8 n.n. Bl. Index. Lederband der Zeit mit rotem, goldgeprägtem Rückenschild und wenig Rückenvergoldung.
Einzige von Beckmann herausgegebene und kommentierte Ausgabe. - Text in Griechisch und Latein. - Einband leicht verzogen. Rücken im Gelenk eingerissen. Innendeckel mit Spuren eines entfernten Exlibris. Mit durchgehendem schwachem Wasserrand. Stellenweise gebräunt und stockfleckig. Titel mit Besitzerstempel Th. Studer, Bern. - Selten.
Hazan 2009 In-4 relié 31,4 cm sur 24,4. 304 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Max Beckmann (1884-1950) est un peintre et dessinateur allemand. Par le biais du dessin, de la gravure, de la lithographie, l’œuvre de Max Beckmann rend compte de chacun des drames du monde, sans que pour autant le peintre en soit un illustrateur ou une sorte de reporter. Très bon état d’occasion