‎HACKMANN (Heinrich)‎
‎Der Buddhismus.‎

‎ Tübingen, Mohr, 1906-1917. 3 vol. in-12 brochés, 80 + 86 +80 pp. (Religionsgeschichtliche Volksbücher). ‎

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‎Ensemble des 3 volumes parus : 1. Der Ursprung des Buddhismus und die Geschichte seiner Ausbreitung. 1917 (2. Aufl.). - 2. Des südliche Buddhismus und der Lamaismus (1906). - 3. Des Buddhismus in China, Korea und Japan (1906). Cachet, petite étiquette, bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 4,95 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €) ‎

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‎The book contains editions of nine Old Uighur translations of Buddhist magical texts, which are compared to their Chinese and/or Tibetan counterparts. No parallel could be found for one sutra, which may be considered as an original Uighur composition and thus deserves special interest. These works based on Central Asian fragments from several Turfan and Dunhuang collections, mainly from the collection of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, through new light into the history of the well established domain of Uighur Tantric Buddhism during the 11th through 14th centuries. Six of these sutras are newly identified texts, while the edition of the well-known sutra on the Great Bear has been improved. German translations and notes accompany the transliterated and transcribed texts. A glossary as well as plates of the edited fragments conclude the volume. Languages: German.‎


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