(Toulouse) Imprimerie de Lavergne, 1839. 2 parts. 45, (1 blank) & (2), 29, (1 blank) pp. 4to. Disbound. First work: Arnoux, Maire de Toulouse, justifies in this text the actions taken by him and his municipal council with regard to the public lightning of the city, negocations with various compagnies interested in the assignment (Compagnie Europeenne, Compagnie de Seynes, Compagnie Lyonnaise) and reveals the various contracts and decisions. The mayor was accused of improper behaviour and having concealed his interests in the compagnie Europeenne, dissatisfied with the results of the deliberations. Second work: The drop-head title on page 1 reads: Notes sur les Faits et Moyens libellés dans l'opposition de quelques habitants du quartier Lafayette, contre l'établissement de l'atelier pour la fabrication du gaz de la Compagnie Lyonnaise. At the end is a "Résumé" by the representative of the Compagnie Lyonnaise, J. Longhena, Avril 1839.The work contains the texts of the opponents of the establishment of the factory, with the remarks and refutations by Longhena, thus allowing the reader to follow the fears and grievances of the opponents and the arguments and refutations of the company.
Reference : 25931
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