(At end:) Paris, Imprimerie de Gaultier-Laguionie, (1830). 16 pp. 8vo. Sewn, disbound. Not in Walch; not in Walch-Gerits. At head of title: 'Aide-toi, le ciel t'aidera.' The society 'Aide-toi, le Ciel t'aidera' was formed to aid opposition candidates for election to the Chamber of Deputies in the period 1827-1834. It was directed by a central committee in Paris and operated through a network of local committees and agents throughout the country. After the Revolution of 1830, the original directors of the society (among whom Barrot, Guizot and de Rémusat) withdrew, and leadership passed to young republicans, including Godefroy Cavaignac, Etienne Garnier-Pagès, and Louis Blanc. Under their direction the society published pamphlets, distributed letters of political intelligence and advice to members.
Reference : 24151
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