Paris, Imprimerie de Madame Veuve Bouchard-Huzard, 1865. 24 pp. 8vo. Modern boards, original green printed covers preserved. First edition. The author was 'entrepreneur de peinture' and after founding the 'Maison Leclaire' was the first in France to grant workers a share in the profits of the company. The system of Leclaire served as a model for Louis Blanc in the 4th edition of his 'Organisation du travail' (1845).The earliest example of co-partnership comes from France. In 1843 a master painter of Paris, Edme-Jean Leclaire, divided among his permanent hands (43 out of about 300 employed) the sum of 12,266 francs. The scheme met with approval and up till 1870 this " kernel," as he called it, of permanent workmen, who were members of the firm's mutual provident society, continued to take their share of the increasing profits. At no time did the members of the mutual provident society amount to more than a third of those employed. In 1870 the profitsharing was extended to all the men employed, for however short a time, and upon this basis it has continued as " Brugniot, Cros et Cie. (ancienne maison Leclaire)."
Reference : 23848
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