Paris, Chez G. Dufour, 1821. (2), 31, (1) pp. 8vo. Modern marbled boards. Not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths. First edition. Protesting against the exclusive right of the 'syndicat' of the 'agens de change' to present candidates for vacancies, the text urges to increase the number of 'agens the change' and suggests a term of three years for training for those who wish to become 'agent de change' and requests that they are able to present 'un certificat de bonne conduite' after these three years and be only allowed into the profession upon the approval of a jury formed by 'banquiers et négocians.'
Reference : 22866
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Reference : 66864
Paris, chez G. Dufour, 1821. in-8. 31pp. Broché. Rousseurs. Première édition de cette brochure sur la formation des agents de change. Finance. Economie.