A Paris, Chez Cardin Besongne, 1649. With large vignette on title. 32 pp. 4to. Modern boards. Moreau 652; Kress 788; Goldsmiths 1019; INED 4055; not in Einaudi; not in Mattioli. First edition of this very rare pamphlet offering thoughts on the power of the king in financial matters and on the organisation of the collecting of the taxes. 'Très remarquable pamphlet' (Moreau). See for an elaborate account of the man and his works Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, xii, 2e partie, col. 2042-2044. - Somewhat spotted throughout. Rare.
Reference : 21349
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In-4, demi-percaline grise à la Bradel moderne, 32 p. Paris, Cardin Besongne, 1649.
Édition originale. "Réflexions sur les pouvoirs du Roi en matière fiscale, et sur l'organisation de la levée des impôts" (INED, 4055). "Très remarquable pamphlet" (Moreau, 652). (Kress, 788. Goldsmiths, 1019).
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
Paris, 1649. 2 volumes in 1. 32 pp.; 32 pp. 4to. Modern boards. Moreau 652; Kress 788; Goldsmiths 1019; INED 4055; not in Einaudi. First edition of this very rare pamphlet offering thoughts on the power of the king in financial matters and on the organisation of the collecting of the taxes. 'Très remarquable pamphlet' (Moreau). See for an elaborate account of the man and his works Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, xii, 2e partie, col. 2042-2044. - Very rare, especially with the second part.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75