A Paris, Chez Vallade, 1776. (8), 724 pp. 4to. Contemporary marbled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red label with gilt lettering, red edges. Kress 7236; Goldsmiths 11424; Einaudi 2155; Camus 2132; Pardessus, Bibliothèque de Jurisprudence Commerciale, 59; not in INED. First edition and rare. Dedication to Hue de Miromesnil, followed by an Avis du Libraire. The main work is divided into two parts: the first deals with the 'Assertions Consulaires' from the edict of 1563 by which the Juge-Consuls of Paris were created and all following legislation and further creation of similar positions; the second part deals with the 'Lettres de change & billets de Commerce' and contains a collection of (legal and commercial) propositions concerning trade, commerce and business. The author also shows how, based on the same principles, opposing views and even contradictory legislation has grown in time. This work collects many documents and laws and regulations issued over the previous centuries with the relevant jurisprudence and is a very interesting and useful sourcebook. - Very good copy.
Reference : 19320
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