A Paris, De l'Imprimerie de Guillaume Desprez, 1786. 186, (4, errata) pp. 4to. Contemporary blue paper over boards, slightly rubbed. Martin & Walter 3778; Catalogue de l'Histoire de France, v, p. 440; Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, ii, p. 942-943; Lemay, Dictionnaire des Constituants, p. 105. First edition. 'Jean de Dieu-Raymond de Cucé de Boisgelin, cardinal, l'un des prélats de France les plus connus de la fin du XVIIIe siècle et l'un des principaux défenseurs de l'Eglise dans la crise révolutionnaire. On le voit figurer aux assemblées du clergé et à l'Assemblée des Notables' (Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique).Boisgelin was elected to represent the higher clergy of his province at the States-General, in 1789 by the sénéchaussée of Aix. His practical political wisdom and moderation appeared on many occasions; he voted, in the name of the clergy, for the union of the three orders, the abolition of feudal rights, and offered 400,000 livres to the public treasury; but he opposed the abolition of tithes and the confiscation of church property. His political sagacity and eloquence made him the recognized leader and spokesman of thirty bishops, his colleagues in the assembly. He spoke the language of liberty and that of religion with equal eloquence; he would have every citizen share in the establishment and maintenance of the government, with his political rights as indestructible as his natural and civic rights. He served as one of the earlier presidents of the National Assembly (23 November - 4 December 1789).Bound before this text is the following: INSTRUCTION dressée par la Commission du Clergé, par la demande faite aux Bénificiers, des Foi & Hommage, Aveux & Dénombrements. (Drop-head title). Paris, de l'Imprimerie de G. Desprez, 1785. 60 pp. 4to.
Reference : 18487
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