Verona, apud hearedes Marci Moroni, 1779. viii, 263 pp. 4to. Contemporary catspaw calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red label with gilt lettering, very lightly rubbed. Ziegenfuß, ii, p. 907. First edition was published in 1731. Christian Wolff (1679-1754) was an outstanding philosopher and mathematician. His philosophy is close to that of Leibnitz and his system can be seen as a modification of the philosophy of Leibnitz. Wolff held an almost undisputed sway in Germany untill his philosophy was displaced by the Kantian revolution. The merits of Wolff's philosophy are his comprehensive view of philosophy, as embracing in its survey the whole field of human knowledge, his insistence everywhere on clear and methodic exposition, and his confidence in the power of reason to reduce all subjects to this form. To these must be added that he was practically the first 'to teach philosophy to speak German'.
Reference : 18114
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