Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1788. 3 works in 1 volume. (4), 16 pp.; (4), 116 pp.; (2), xiv, (2), 183 pp. 4to. Contemporary marbled boards, green morocco label with gilt lettering, foot of spine and lower corners a bit bumped. First work: Kress B. 389, Goldsmiths 12233 and Einaudi 4105 all list another issue of 31 pages; INED 3365.First edition, one of two editions published in the year of publication.Necker here develops his ideas concerning the constitution of the monarchy: on the provincial administration, the abuses that have developed and indicates changes that will improve the situation. Second work: Kress B.360; Goldsmiths 12183 & 12184; Einaudi 4094; not in INED.First edition, the scarce edition printed at the Cabinet du Roi, intended for Royal use only and not put in the trade. There were two further printings in the same year at the Imprimerie Royale.The publication had an astonishing succes with the public and did much to establish Necker's reputation. It is of great importance for being the first public report of government economic policy in France.The Compte rendu was published in Monday, February 19 and fell on such fertile soil that even Necker must have been astonished at the eagerness with which the public seized upon the treatise, noting minutely every figure in the account, toting up the sums of revenue and expenditure, seeing how much the king spent on favors and pensions, adn what the royal household cost, and exactly what tribute was levied upon the people. .... But there was much more than figures in the treatise. Necker surveyed for the king (and the public) everything he had accomplished during his ministry. He expressed his ideas on reform and summarized what had been accomplished, and what he hoped to accomplish when the war (the American War of Independence) ended. The principles of moderate reform generated strong public support. Third work: Kress S.5177; Goldsmiths 13636; not in Einaudi; not in INED.First edition.The text was drawn up by Soufflot de Mercy.- A good and uncut copy, a few quires browned, with large margins.
Reference : 15379
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