Art books international, sans date. In-4 à l’italienne, cartonné.
Reference : 13027
Sans sa jaquette. [13027]
M et Mme Alain et Kyoko DHOUAILLY
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Paris, 1802. 8vo. In recent marbled paper wrappers. With very light occassional brownspotting, plates slightly toned. A nice copy. Housed in a cloth clam-shell box with gilt lettering to spine. 47 pp. + 2 plates, 1 of which is folded.
The very rare first printing of the first published attempt at reading the Rosetta stone, constituting the very first step towards deciphering the Egyptian hieroglyphs. With the plates contained in this first scientific publication on the Rosetta Stone, the work also contains the first published printing of any part of the text of the Rosetta Stone. Silvestre de Sacy was a professor at the Special School of Oriental Languages in Paris, where he became the most influential teacher of Jean-François Champollion. His attempts at deciphering the Rosetta Stone proved at the end to be unsuccessful, but his proposal that the Stone's hieroglyphic cartouches might be written in an alphabet proved important, and with the present publication he laid the foundation for the correct deciphering by Champollion 20 years later. ""The first scholarly publication on the Rosetta Stone was de Sacy's, pamphlet: Lettre au Citoyen Chaptal . . . au sujet de l'inscription Égyptienne du monument trouvé à Rosette (Paris, 1802). In this brief work illustrated with one transcription of a portion of the stone, the orientalist and linguist Sacy, a teacher of Champollion, made some progress in identifying proper names in the demotic inscription."" (Jeremy Norman: History of Information). The Rosetta Stone, which dates back to 196 B.C was found in 1799 by French Troops and was immediately brought to England, where it has been ever since. The stone was (and is) of the utmost importance to the understanding of the Egyptian language, the principles of which were totally unknown up until this point. Because the hieroglyphic inscription on the stone is accompanied by a Greek and a Demotic one with the same contents (the commemoration of Ptolemy V's accession to the Egyptian throne), scholars would eventually be able to decipher the ancient language that had been a mystery for more than a millennium. ""When military engineers discovered the Rosetta Stone in July 1799 while rebuilding an old fort in the Nile Delta, the officer in charge quickly recognised the importance of its three parallel inscriptions and sent the Stone to the savants in Cairo.That October, Napoleon himself, recently returned from Egypt, told the National Institute in Paris: ""There appears no doubt that the column which bears the hieroglyphs contains the same inscription as the other two. Thus, here is a means of acquiring certain information of this, until now, unintelligible language.From the moment of discovery, it was clear that the bottom inscription on the Rosetta Stone was written in the Greek alphabet and the top one - unfortunately the most damaged - was in Egyptian hieroglyphs with visible cartouches. Sandwiched between them was a script about which little was known.It plainly did not resemble the Greek script, nor did it appear to resemble the hieroglyphic script above it, not least because it lacked cartouches. Today we know this script as 'demotic', a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing, as opposed to the separate signs of hieroglyphic.The first step was to translate the Greek inscription. This turned out to be a legal decree issued at Memphis, the principal city of ancient Egypt, by a council of priests assembled on the anniversary of the coronation of Ptolemy V Epiphanes, on 27 March 196 BC. The Greek names Ptolemy, Alexander and Alexandria, among others, occurred in the Sacy deserves credit for a useful suggestion in 1811: that the Greek names inside hieroglyphic cartouches, which he assumed must be those of rulers like Ptolemy, Alexander and so on, might be written in an alphabet, as they almost certainly were in the demotic inscription.The same technique, he knew, was used to write foreign names in the Chinese script, which was also thought (wrongly) to have no intrinsic phonetic component."" (BBC Science Focus Magazine, 2020). ""Solid attempts to decipher hieroglyphs started with the discovery of Rosetta Stone. Before being captured by the Arabs, Egypt had a native language called Coptic. There was formerly a Coptic alphabet until the 2nd century AD. However, it was replaced by Greek letters, resulting in the creation of Old and New Coptic. Therefore, the alphabet of Old Coptic became obscured over time. In 1643, long before the discovery of Rosetta Stone, Athanasius Kircher, a reputed scholar and polymath of his time, argued that the Coptic inscription represents the same language as hieroglyphs (Lee & Merrill, 1989,p . 20). Based on this argument, scholars assumed that it would be possible to decipher the hieroglyphics by deciphering the Old Coptic script. The study of the relationship between Old Coptic and the hieroglyphs was first carried out by Silvestre de Sacy, a French nobleman and scholar. He was also a mentor of the three scholars who were the successors of his research. Sacy tried to decipher the Rosetta Stone by comparing the symbols and locations of names through mathematical analysis. However, he reached a dead end after some progress and passed the study to the Swedish diplomat and scholar, Johan David Åkerblad. As an expert on New Coptic, he managed to compare its alphabet with Old Coptic, identifying some of the phonetic values and words. However, since he could not understand that Old Coptic was not entirely alphabetic, his progress was halted."" (Denic Aktunz: A Warfare of Greediness over the Rosetta Stone: Deciphering Hieroglyphics).
A Random House, Rolling Stone Press book, 1985, in-8, br., 220 pp., bibliographie. (L197)
"The first comprehensive jazz record guide listing over 4.000 currently available albums from big band to bop, and New Orleans to New Music". Texte en anglais.
Reference : bd-21629d2d602bf5ed
The Stone Chronicle of the Vainakh Country: Monuments of Architecture and Art in Chechnya and Ingushetia./Kamennaya letopis strany vaynakhov. Pamyatniki arkhitektury i iskusstva Chechni i Ingushetii. Compiled by M.A.Aziev, D.Y.Chakhkiev. Author of the text V.I.Markovin. M. Russian book. 1994. 200 p. SKUbd-21629d2d602bf5ed.
Hamburg, Excud. Iac. Wolffius, impens Paulus Brachfeldus, 1591. 4to. Senere halvpergament med mønstret papir over permerne. Professionelt restaurerede revner ved de først to blade, intet tab. Titelblad jævnt brunet, ellers blot en smule lettere brunpletning i margin af nogle blade. (28), 176, (7) pp. Pp. (76)-(77) udgør den kobberstukne planche (lidt tæt beskåret ved marginerne), der afbilder Jellingstenen. Tre store træskårne illustrationer i teksten. Træskårne initialer og vignetter. 4to. Later nice half vellum vith patterned paper over boards. Neatly repaired tear to first two leaves, no loss. Title-page evenly browned, otherwise only a bit of occasional minor marginal brownspotting. (28), 176, (7) pp. Pp. (76)-(77) constituting an engraved plate (a bit shaved at margins). Three large woodcut illustrations (ab. 1/2-page) in the text. Woodcut initials and vignettes.
The exceedingly rare first edition of the work in which we find the first depiction of the Jelling Stone, also known as ""Denmark's birth certificate"", and its famous rune inscription for the first time in print. The work is of exceptional importance to Danish history and specifically important to our current knowledge of the Jelling Stone and where it was placed. The Jelling stone is a massive carved runestone from the 10th century, found at the town of Jelling in Denmark. It was raised by King Gorm's son, Harald Bluetooth in memory of his parents, celebrating his conquest of Denmark and Norway, and his conversion of the Danes to Christianity. The runic inscriptions on these stones are considered the best known in Denmark and are of the utmost importance to the history of the country. The seminal Jelling Stone is often called ""Denmark's birth certificate"", because Denmark is named in the inscription and also because the stone is a clear material proof of the change in religion - from paganism to Christianity. Furthermore, it is strongly identified with the creation of Denmark as a nation state. The inscription translates thus: ""King Harald ordered these kumbls made in memory of Gorm, his father, and in memory of Thyra, his mother"" that Harald who won for himself all of Denmark and Norway and made the Danes Christian"". Not in Brunet " Graesse: IV:218 (note)" Adams: 731 (erroneously lists three plates).DANSK BESKRIVELSE:Den yderst sjældne originaludgave af dette værk om ""De mærværdige Begivenheder, som har fundet Sted i Europa mellem 1586 og 91"", i hvilket vi finder den første afbildning af Jellingstenen samt sammes indskrift for første gang på tryk. Værket er således af største betydning for dansk historie og endog af konkret betydning for vor nuværende viden om Jellingstenen og dens placering.""1586 endelig blev Jællinge-Runestenene en almindeligere Gjenstand for bevarende og undersøgende Opmærksomhed, hvilket baade var en Frugt af de tidligere Bestræbelser, - der dog ganske vist ikke havde indskrænket sig til blot ovenstaande, som er det nu derom bekjendte - og en Opfordring til mere, og navnlig blev det Anledningen til, at der skete en god Begyndelse med at føre vore Runestenes Indskrifter ind i Litteraturen. Det var Lensmanden paa Koldinghus , den navnkundige Kaspar Markdanner, der har den Fortjeneste at have ført Jællinge-Stenene frem af set Skjul, hvori de, om ikke saa lige glemte, vare hensunkne. Ifølge en i Jællinge Kirke indsat Tavle lod han 1586 den store Runesten ""opgrave paa Kirkegaarden"" og opsætte. Den mindre Sten nævnes just ej ved den Lejlighed med Hensyn til, hvad Markdanner lod foretage, men Grunden er vistnok, at den ikke var större eller tungere, end at den ikke ved sin egen Vægt kunne være dybt sunket i Jorden, og at den til samme tid har tildraget sig Opmærksomhed. I nogle endnu bevarede samtidige Optegnelser af Ar. Huitfeldt kaldes den, i det dens Indskrift der er blevet optaget, ""Stenen ved Kirkedören"", og begge Indskrifter, baade den store Stens og den ""in parvi lapide"", blev strax meddlete i et Skrift, som paa den lærde Henr. Rantzaus Foranstaltning blev udgivet 1591 af P. Lindeborg, angaaende de mærkelige Begivenheder, der havde fundet Sted i Europa 1586-91. Der er forsøgt en Fortolkning af Indskrifterne, og der er tilföjet en vel udført Afbaldning af Höjene med Kirken og Omgivelserne i det hele. Denne er endnu ikke uden Værd, da den viser os en Udstyrelse med omgivende Stene, som tidenikke har bevaret, og navnlig ovenpaa den mindre Höj en meget stor Sten, som udtrykkelig siges ikke at være synderlig mindre end den store Indskrift-Sten... Lindeberg indførte ogsaa ovennævnte Afbildning af Jællinge-Stenene med de nødvendigste didhørende Oplysninger i et Skrift, som han kaldte ""Hypotyposisarcium, palatiorum... - dog ikke i sammes 1. Udgave 1591, men da det anden Gang blev trykt..."" (P. G. Thorsen, De danske Runemindesmærker, 1864, Bd. 1, pp. 30-32).Ikke nævnt i Thesaurus, som fejlagtigt hævder, at den første afbildning af Jellingstenen forekommer i andenudgaven af samme forfatters ""Hypotyposis"" fra 1592 (se Thesaurus 216).
La plus grande fonderie de bronze du monde. Agents généraux pour la France M. M. Noel et Dénouette au Havre. 5°édition. 1900. Gd in-8 (217 x 282mm) cartonnage bleu de l'éditeur, 1°plat imprimé et illustré or (grand navire fendant les vagues), 47 pages imprimées en bleu dans un cadre rouge, 28 planches photo hors texte. Exemplaire un peu débroché avec de petits défauts mais assez bon état.
Remarquable document présentant en hors texte 26 photos de navires de diverses nationalités ayant adopté les produits de la Maison Stone.