Paris, Le Promeneur, 1988 1 volume 13 x 21,4m Broché sous couverture à larges rabats, au 1er plat orné d'une vignette. 1 feuillet, 102p., 3 feuillets. Très bon état.
Reference : 19971
ISBN : 2-876-53-060-0
1ère édition de la traduction, par Soula AGHION et Brigitte PEROL, de "Retablo", roman publié en 1987 par l'écrivain sicilien Vincenzo CONSOLO (1933-2012): de "la Lombardie illuministe du XVIIIe siècle" à "une Sicile éblouissante et paysanne", "reflétant [...] deux aspects de l'âme humaine", l'errance d'un "peintre virtuose qui cherche à oublier un amour impossible, et [de] son compagnon Isidoro, lui-même amoureux sans espoir", récit "où les événements, comme dans un grand oeuvre baroque, s'organisent en doublets et en triades, en échos et en variations, et le livre même en "rétable" où une histoire en encadre une ou plusieurs autres comme un jeu de reflets, une multiplication de miroirs" (rabat de couverture).
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DE LA PAROISSE. Non daté. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 24 pages agmentées de nombreuses illustrations et cartes en noir et blanc et couleurs, dans et hors texte - plats avec photo couleur + 12 Cartes postales vierges - 3 photos disponibles. . . . Classification Dewey : 908.44383-Régionalisme : Alsace
12 Cartes postales vierges : Hans Holbein l'ancien (portrait de femme) + Grunewald retable d'issenheim + chope de libation e ivoire, musee d'unterlinden + martin schongauer et l'atelier retable des dominicains de colmar , le christ et marie madeleine + entourage de martin schongauer retable des dominicains chasse mystique + grunewald retable d'issenheim, crucifixion + grunewald retable d'issenheim, detail de la crucifixion + grunewald retable d'issenheim, , le concert des anges + grunewald retable d'issenheim, , saint sebastien la crucifixion, saint antoine + grunewald retable d'issenheim, vierge a l'enfant + murbach ancienne abbatiale st leger vierge a l'enfant + murbach lettre ornee Classification Dewey : 908.44383-Régionalisme : Alsace
Editions Faton. Septembre 2001. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 90 pages. Nombreuses illustrations en couleurs dans et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 700-LES ARTS
Sommaire : Le musée d'Unterlinden et la société Schongauer par Jean Lorentz, Le retable d'Issenheim a Colmar, La fabrication du Retable, Les plantes dans le Retable et le feu de Saint Antoine par Olivia Eller, Les commanditaires du Retable par Adalbert Mischlewski, La préceptoire des Antonins par Pierre Brunel Classification Dewey : 700-LES ARTS
Delta 2000, s.l., 1982. In-8, broché sous couverture cartonnée semi-rigide et illustrée en couleur, 63 pp. Les Antonins et le couvent d'Issenheim - Le retable d'Issenheim : uneœuvre à transformations - Le retable fermé - La première ouverture du retable - La deuxième ouverture du retable - La signification d'ensemble du retable - Le retable d'Issenheim ...
Nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleur. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Hardback, 232 p., 109 b/w ill. + 263 colour ill., 24 x 28. ISBN 9781872501079.
The Thornham Parva Retable is Britain's largest and best preserved medieval altarpiece. It was found in a loft above a stable at Thornham Hall in Suffolk in 1927. Soon afterwards it was installed in the small thatched church of St Mary, Thornham Parva. Despite being extensively repainted some time before the end of the eighteenth century, its importance was immediately recognised. In 1987 a detailed study of the Retable in-situ and the Cluny Frontal, now in the Musee National du Moyen Age, Paris, established that both were parts of the altar which was probably made for the Dominican Priory at Thetford. It was saved from destruction after the dissolution of the monasteries in the early 16th century by a local family who adapted it for use as a private altar. The authors hoped that in time further examination and analysis of the Retable would be possible, and suggested a date of 1335-40 on stylistic grounds. After a sustained period of fund raising, the Parochial Church Council entrusted the examination and conservation of the Retable to theHamilton Kerr Institute, University of Cambridge. It was moved from the church in 1994.This book documents that project. The results of the technical examination are complemented by a series of articles placing the Retable in a technical and art historical context. It was decided to remove the later repaint as the only means to preserve the original paint lying beneath. Far more original paint was found, confirming the results of the initial examination and proposal. Dating of the wooden support suggested that the earliest date of production was probably 1336-40. The altarpiece can now be seen to be of the highest quality and has provided new insights into the sophisticated practice of oil painting in England before the fifteenth century. Languages : English.
Massing, Ann: The Thornham Parva Retable. Technique, conservation and context of an English medieval painting. London: 2003. Series: Painting and Practice. 240pp with 263 colour and 109 monochrome illustrations. Cloth, 28.6x25cms. Documents the examination and conservation of the Retable, one of Britain's largest and best preserved medieval altarpieces. The results of the technical examination are complemented by a series of articles placing the Retable in a technical and art historical context. The restoration of the altarpiece has provided new insights into the sophisticated practice of oil painting in England before the 15th century.
Documents the examination and conservation of the Retable, one of Britain's largest and best preserved medieval altarpieces. The results of the technical examination are complemented by a series of articles placing the Retable in a technical and art historical context. The restoration of the altarpiece has provided new insights into the sophisticated practice of oil painting in England before the 15th century. Text in English