Paris, Henri Laurens (coll. "Bibliothèque d'Histoire et d'Art"). sans date. In-8°, 275p. Reliure pleine percaline d'éditeur, décor doré sur les plats [Engel].
Reference : 42095
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1975 Editions JAUFFRAY Chennevières sur Marne. 1975. Cartonnage toilé de format 295 X 230, avec jaquette ilustrée. Texte, biographie, bibliographie par M. Dubreucq. Maquette, composition et photogravure de Jauffray Beltrando. Photographies de Toscas, Hinous, Andréou. Préface de Cécile Goldscheider, Conservateur en chef des Musées nationauxAbondamment illustré en noir et blanc.
Constantin Andréou martèle et soude la plaque de laiton, et perfectionne entre 1948 et 1956 sa technique de forgeron et de soudeur à l'autogène en réalisant des formes humaines très stylisées, des oiseaux, des animaux, chevaux et taureaux pleins de fougue. Il introduit le vide dans des compositions de plus en plus structurées. Peintre et sculpteur, il va créer en 1962-63 les "grands bas-reliefs". Il travaille le fil de laiton et enferme le vide dans un réseau de lignes.
1936 Laurens éditeur, 1936. In 4° broché de 132 p. + 36 planches photographiques hors texte. Dos passé avec traces de pliure et une déchirure sans manque, bon exemplaire par ailleurs.
, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2020 Hardcover, 436 pages, 156 b/w ill. + 18 colour ill., 220 x 280 mm, Languages: English. ISBN 9782503574486.
For many decades, specialists in Romanesque and Early Gothic art and architecture have questioned the usefulness of traditional stylistic terminology. It is regarded as having limited relevance insofar as it fails to reflect the complexity and plurality of the period under discussion. Nor does it embrace functional, formal or iconographic specificities. Despite these deficiencies, we still have no better way of referring to the art of the period than Romanesque, Late Romanesque or Early Gothic which we make yet more cumbersome by adding a geographical or political term. Of the various media which were affected by artistic innovation in Europe during the second half of the 12th century, particular attention has been paid to stained glass, manuscript illumination, metalwork and enamel. Monumental sculpture was equally subject to profound change during the period, in addition to developing in directions that were largely independent of other media. As a result, late Romanesque sculpture extends across the period from 1140 to 1220, from Saxony to Galicia, though it is still impossible to encapsulate in a single statement what this complex network represented. However, the attainment of a compelling naturalism does seem to have been a shared aspiration among Latin European sculptors. Emerging Naturalism: Contexts and Narratives in European Sculpture 1140?1220 offers a panoramic analysis of this artistic landscape, focused on a central issue in medieval European artistic production. To narrow this field of study, the book concentrates on the innovations and solutions adopted in the great church workshops of western Europe. Gerardo Boto Varela teaches art history at the Universitat de Girona (Spain), is leader of the international research group Templa, and scientific editor of the journal Codex Aquilarensis. Revista de Arte Medieval. His research concentrates on spatial, pictorial, and liturgical aspects of Spanish ecclesiastical architecture from the tenth to thirteenth centuries, as well as on dynastic tombs and memorial culture in Medieval Iberia. Marta Serrano Coll teaches art history at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona (Spain) and specializes in Medieval architecture and sculpture, particularly in Catalonia. Her research interests include the display of power through artworks and royal patronage in the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages. In addition, she has published in the field of Romanesque sculpture and hagiographical studies. John McNeill teaches at Oxford University?s Department of Continuing Education, and is Honorary Secretary of the British Archaeological Association, for whom he has edited and contributed to volumes on Anjou, King?s Lynn and the Fens, the medieval cloister, and English medieval chantries. He was instrumental in establishing a biennial International Romanesque Conference Series and has a particular interest in the design of medieval monastic precincts. Table of Contents Emerging Naturalism and a New Medieval Morphology ? Herbert L. Kessler I.Shaping Late Romanesque Sculpture. Balance and Perspective The Attainment of a Compelling Naturalism in Sculpture c. 1200 ? Gerardo Boto Varela What is So-Called Late Romanesque Sculpture? ? Xavier Barral i Altet II. Late Romanesque / Early Gothic Sculpture in European Cathedrals (1140?1220) The Role of Burgundy in the Development of the First Column-Statues ? Marcello Angheben Late Romanesque Sculpture and the Cathedrals of South-Western France ? Quitterie Cazes An Enigma Put Aside. The Origin and Interpretation of a Decontextualized Capital from Saint Trophime at Arles ? Juan Antonio Ola eta Around and After 1200. Old and New Concepts of Monumental Sculpture in the German Territories of the Holy Roman Empire ? Claudia R ckert Sculpture and Liturgy: Monuments and Art Histories of Southern Italy (c. 1150?1250 and Beyond) ? Elisabetta Scirocco Old Testament Sacrifice and Thirteenth-Century Tithe: Cain and Abel in the Architectural Sculpture of the Holy Roman Empire ? Stephanie Luther Late Romanesque Sculpture in England. How Far Can the Evidence Take Us? ? John McNeill The Gothic Last Judgment Portal c. 1210. Visual Strategies and Communicative Function ? Bruno Boerner Aesthetics and the Imitation of Antiquity in Early Gothic Sculpture ? Laurence Terrier Aliferis III. Sculptural Visualisations in the Cathedrals of the Iberian Kingdoms (1160?1220) The Reception of Burgundian Models in the Second Half of the Twelfth Century and the Naturalist Redefinition of Romanesque Sculpture in Castile ? Marta Poza Yag e Master Mateo and the Cathedral of Santiago at the End of the Twelfth Century ? Ram n Yzquierdo Peir Late Romanesque Sculpture in the Kingdoms of Leon and Castile: Continuity or Change? ? Jos Luis Hernando Garrido & Antonio Ledesma Romanesque Sculpture in Portuguese Cathedrals: Models, Continuity and Adaptation ? Carla Varela Fernandes & Paulo Almeida Fernandes The Meaning of the Romanesque Sculpture in the C mara Santa at the Cathedral of Oviedo ? C sar Garc a de Castro Vald s Images and Stories: The Transformation of Space in the Cathedrals of the Ebro Valley ? Esther Lozano L pez The Vault Corbels in the Cloister of Tarragona Cathedral: Shaping a New Pictorial Corporeality that Goes Beyond the Late Romanesque ? Gerardo Boto Varela & Marta Serrano Coll
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 350 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:5 b/w, 139 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503611235.
Summary This book examines the production, patronage, and use of sculptures made in the Low Countries between 1400 and 1600. Two questions frame the book: 'Why did Sculpture from the Low countries matter' and 'Why will Sculpture from the Low Countries matter for future research'. Answers to these questions will be offered in a coherent and richly illustrated study which considers Sculpture as a pivotal subject field within Art Historical discourse. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Julie Beckers and Hannah De Moor Introduction Ethan Matt Kavaler Chapter 1: Use and Function of Sculpture Accommodating Altarpieces: The Impact of Circumstantial Factors on the Design of Altar Decorations in Medieval Churches Justin Kroesen Working Sculpture: The Forms and Functions of Netherlandish Brass Lecterns Douglas Brine The Church's a Stage: Late Medieval Altarpieces as Part of an Ever-Changing Environment Wendy Wauters The Stem of a Once Ornate Fountain: The Use of a Table Fountain Fragment at Museum Mayer Van den Bergh in Antwerp Julie Beckers Chapter 2: Patronage of Sculpture Patronage Jeffrey Chipps Smith Noble Expectations of Memorial Sculpture: Commissioning the Jauche Monuments in Brugelette (c. 1527-1573) Ruben Suykerbuyk The Chapel Space and Interiority in the Ringsaker Altarpiece Lynn F. Jacobs Prestige and Display: Noble Patronage of Sculpture in the Low Countries Elizabeth Rice Mattison Chapter 3: Production and Workshop Continuity and Discontinuity in the Sculpture Workshop Practice Aleksandra Lipi?ska The Leuven Connection: A New Look at the Social and Artisanal Network of Leuven Late Gothic Sculptors (c. 1475-1525) Marjan Debaene Te maken ende te leveren: The Transport of Netherlandish Carved Altarpieces Hannah De Moor Epilogue: Seeing Sculpture Stephanie Porras
, Brepols, 2011 XII 212 pages., 114 b/w ill., 220 x 280 mm, Languages: English,Paperback,. ISBN 9782503531656.
Robert A. Maxwell and Kirk Ambrose, Introduction: Romanesque Sculpture Studies at a Crossroads - Jerome Baschet, Iconography beyond Iconography: Relational Meanings and Figures of Authority in the Reliefs of Souillac - Martin Buchsel, The Status of Sculpture in the Early Middle Ages: Liturgy and Paraliturgy in the Liber miraculorum sancte Fidis - Thomas E. A. Dale, The Nude at Moissac: Vision, Phantasia and the Experience of Romanesque Sculpture - Ilene H. Forsyth, The Date of the Moissac Portal - Dorothy F. Glass, (Re)framing Early, Romanesque Sculpture in Italy - Klaus Niehr, Sculpturing Architecture, Framing Sculpture and Modes of Contextualizing the Arts in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries - Jose Luis Senra, Between Rupture and Continuity: Romanesque Sculpture at the Monastery of Santo Domingo de Silos - Andrea von