1834 La Caricature. Journal. Morale, Religieuse, Littéraire, Scénique- La Caricature ( Journal) No 196, plate 411 [Paris] Delaunois for Maison Aubert [7 August 1834] Lithograph. Platemark 32 × 27cm; overall paper size 36.3 × 27.6 cm.,rare,bon étatFrench caricature of the Quadruple Alliance between France, Great Britain, Spain, and Portugal signed on 22nd April 1834 which crowned Talleyrand’s diplomatic career. The treaty, conceived by Palmerston to strengthen the liberal countries of western Europe against the auto- cratic northern monarchies, supported progressive governments recently installed in Spain and Portugal, against the claims of rival pretenders to the throne representing traditional interests. The infant Queen Isabella II of Spain1 was challenged by her uncle Don Carlos,2 and the young Queen Maria II of Portugal3 by her uncle Dom Miguel.4 The print shows Talleyrand peacefully reclining on a monument, as the architect of the treaty with pandemonium surrounding him. In apseudo-resurrection scene Don Carlos is shown flying on high shed- ding proclamations causing an explosion on the stock exchange, whilst below, the Queen Regent of Spain with her daughter Isabella, King Louis-Philippe and two other princes are looking up in a daze. Military conflict is indicated in a dark, brooding background.1 Isabella II of Spain (1830–1868), daughter of Ferdinand VII and Maria Cristina of the Two Sicilies, succeeded to the throne, because her father induced the Cortes to set aside the Salic law to re-establish the ancient law of succession. This was contested by her uncle, the Infante Carlos, who fought a civil war to support his claim with the help of the conservative opposition;2 Carlos Maria Isidro de Borbony Borbon-Parma(1788–1855),younger brother of King Ferdinand VII, known as Count of Molina, claimed the throne of Spain according to Salic law which excluded female succession introduced during the 18th century; the law was changed by Ferdinand in favour of his daughter Isabella. As a result the country was rent by civil war between the incumbent regency supported by the liberals and the Carlist pretender backed by the traditionalists;3 Dona Maria II (1819–1853), daughter of Pedro I Emperor of Brazil, became Queen Regnant of Portugal, when her liberal father abdicated the Portuguese throne. The decision was disputed by her absolutist uncle Miguel who usurped the throne, but was forced to abdicate in 1834;4 Dom Miguel(1802–1866),secondsonofKingJoaoofPortugal,aconserva- tive influenced by Metternich, led two revolts against his liberal father, and was exiled as a consequence. After betrothal to his young niece Maria II of Portugal, he took sole power and ruled as Miguel I of Portugal from 1828 to 1834, overthrowing the liberal constitution. In 1831 his elder brother Pedro abdicated the throne of Brazil, and ejected Miguel after a three-year civil war to re-establish Maria as Queen Regnant in 1834.
Reference : 24417
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