1872 1872. Fully Illustrated by Eminent Artists. (Issued by Subscription Only...) Hartford, Conn.: American Publishing Company [etc.], 1872. 1 page undated ads. Original black cloth decorated in gilt. First American Edition, first issue, of this very early Twain title -- his fourth major book. In July 1861, as the Civil War was getting underway, Twain headed out west as private secretary to his brother Orion, who had just been appointed Secretary of Nevada Territory; Twain's "account of the continental crossing with Orion is a full-throated celebration of a golden era, of travel, youth, adventure, and America's last frontier" [Kaplan]..~The first issue is identifiable by the proper printing of lines 20-21 on p. 242.; also this copy does have ads on p. [592], which may be a further first-issue point. This is a near-fine copy (only a trace of wear at some edges, slight cracking of the front endpaper); as usual the binding's "gilt" (if actual gilt it is) has oxidized to a copper color. Blanck 3337 (indicating that the British editions may have been issued a few days earlier); McBride p. 18.~In our experience, it is quite difficult to find in decent shape copies of the first three of Twain's books that were issued in this hefty, oversized format (THE INNOCENTS ABROAD in 1869, this title in 1872, and THE GILDED AGE in 1873); it is not that hard to find the fourth and last (A TRAMP ABROAD in 1879).
Reference : 24032
Twain. Mark. 1835-1910 Roughing It. By Mark TwainHartford, Conn., American publishing co.; Chicago, $bF. G. Gilman [etc.,... . First state with 2 frontispieces; 591 pages and advert page; spine has light fading, but it and covers anre tight and solid; unmarked text , Very GoodPublished Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1872, first edition with all first state points. - full page advertisement on p. 592. Capital "T" in trees and "thirteenth" on page 156. "Eastern" p. 156. Complete text on p. 242. Unbroken "y" in first line of Contents. Unbroken type in first word of Chaper 1. 8vo. 591pp. 2 frontis+ plates+illustrations within the text + 1pp. publisher's ad. Brown cloth with blind embossed covers with gilt designs and titles, buff colored endpapers. Edges rubbed to the boards, several chips to the backstrip with loss at the heel, splitting to the outer cloth along hinges, corner stain to a few sheets, bookplate on pastedown, name on fl. Pages clean and crisp with no foxing, text block tight. Good.The first issue is identifiable by the proper printing of lines 20-21 on p. 242.; also this copy does have ads on p. [592], which may be a further first-issue point. TBlanck 3337 (indicating that the British editions may have been issued a few days earlier); McBride p. 18.~In our experience, it is quite difficult to find in decent shape copies of the first three of Twain's books that were issued in this hefty, oversized format (THE INNOCENTS ABROAD in 1869, this title in 1872, and THE GILDED AGE in 1873); it is not that hard to find the fourth and last (A TRAMP ABROAD in 1879).A second state copy of the first edition with the missing word "his" on lines 20/21 of page 242. (BAL 3337; McBride p. 18; Wright II 554; Johnson p. 215)BAL distinguishes between the first and second states by the presence of two words on page 242 (first state) or their absence (second state). But it isn't that simple. Copies are found with just one word present (or one word absent, if you are a pessimist.) And similar damage to the plates has been noted on the following pages: xi.1 (M in My is perfect) as in this copy; 19.1 (y is perfect) as in this copy; and 123.6 up (death! which was corrected from death.) as this copy. All of these texts are damaged at some point during the printings(s), and all, including the one on page 242, are found in endless random combinations. At some point, two words were altered: at page 156.2 up "thirteenth" was corrected to "sixteenth" - this copy has the uncorrected "thirteenth" -and on page 330.16 up "Eastern" was corrected to "eastern" - this copy has the uncorrected listing. These changes could distinguish between two printings, but may only distinguish between two later printings. The states of the plates can be guessed at, but if multiple plates were used or mixing of sheets took place (as is clear from surviving copies) they should be viewed with caution.Traduction automatique:Publié Hartford : American Publishing Company, 1872, première édition avec tous les premiers points d'état. - annonce pleine page à la p. 592. "T" majuscule dans les arbres et "treizième" à la page 156. "Oriental" p. 156. Texte complet p. 242. «y» ininterrompu dans la première ligne du sommaire. Type ininterrompu dans le premier mot du chapitre 1. 8vo. 591pp. 2 frontis+ planches+illustrations dans le texte + 1pp. annonce de l'éditeur. Toile brune avec couvertures gaufrées à froid avec dessins et titres dorés, pages de garde de couleur chamois. Bords frottés sur les plats, plusieurs éclats au dos avec manque au talon, déchirure au tissu extérieur le long des charnières . Pages propres et nettes sans rousseurs, bloc de texte serré. Bon.
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