1782 Paris, Lattré, 1782.; 310 x 470mm. Coloured.; Decorated with a title cartouche and the crests of the Cities.
Reference : 23485
EARLY MAP OF VIETNAM, SIAM, MALAYA, PHILIPPINES, FORMOSA. [Paris, ca.1785]. Single sheet map, copper engraved, sheet:40.4 x 27.2 cm., map: 32 x 21.3 cm., deckle edge, Frenchtext, engraved by Andre, heavy laid paper. FIRST EDITION***. AN EARLY COPPER ENGRAVED MAP OF SOUTH CHINA & S.E. ASIA:. SHOWING ALL OF N. & S. VIETNAM, PHILIPPINES, FORMOSA, CAMOBODIA, SIAM, LAOS, BURMA, MALAYA, BOREO, MALACA, INSET OF GUAM & MARIANES ISLANDS, HAINAN ISLAND, MACAO, HONG KONG & CANTON.This is an excellent area map, showing the whole of S.E.Asia from Taiwan south to Borneo, Sooloo and Malaca.Each country is clearly outlined, showing major rivers,mountains, cities, islands & monthly sea flows, withdistance miles charts.The work begins from the top, which shows Royme D'Ava, RoymeDe Mien, Rme. De Pegu Royaume Des Laos, Rme. De Siam RoymeDe Camboge, Yunnan, Tunkin, China and Canton, Macao and theestuary, though "Hong Kong" name is not cited, it is thereamong other small islands off Canton. Up the coast andFormosa.All of Vietnam, and her coastline, mountains, rivers andadjacent islands shown. Laos, Cambodia, Siam and most ofBurma nicely shown.At the upper right corner is an inset of Isle de Guam, andto the right is another vertical inset Isles Mariannes.The south of China shows Kao-tcheu, Luitcheu, and all ofHainan, Golfe de Tunkin, several rivers with Vietnamesenames, Cochin Chine, Ciampa, Riv. de Cambodia [Mekong],Pulo Condor and other small islands. Golfe de Siam, a goodpart of Burma from Ava, Pegu, down the Presoqu I de Malaca,Ridang and its islands.All of Le Paracel islands and many other islands in thearea.Isles Philippines, all of the islands, Lucon, Mindanao, Islede Paragoa, down to Isle Borneo, Soolo.The title cartouche is located in the bottom center.*CONDITION:The map was gently removed from an atlas. It has three oldoriginal folds, and is the original size, untrimmed asissued. There is some of the usual 'toning' to the rightedge which was on the open side of the book, a bit less tothe upper and lower edges. The left edge was sewn into theatlas, leaving several tiny pin holes, which have beenexpertly restored from the verso. The maps is solid andstable.Being a copper-etched work on thick laid paper, there is theusual 'plate' mark or impression on the exterior of the maplimits. This is a good sign, proof of being original etchedengraving.all in all is in excellent original condition, size anduncommonly untrimmed.This work is ready to be framed and displayed.***BIBLIOGRAPHY:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rigobert_Bonne.*BONNE BIBLIOGRAPH:Maps for Guillaume Raynal's Atlas de toutes les partiesconnues du Globe Terrestre [Geneva, 1780] Maps
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