1895 Washington D.C. : Government Printing Office, 1895.part 2 :Papers of an economic character: Geology and mining industries of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado / by Whitman Cross and R.A.F. Penrose, Jr. A geological reconnaissance across Idaho / by George H. Eldridge. The geology of the road-building stones of Massachusetts, with some consideration of similar materials from other parts of the United States / by Nathaniel Southgate Shaler. Economic geology of the Mercur Mining District, Utah / by J. Edward Spurr, with introduction by S.F. Emmons. The public lands and their water supply / by Frederick H. Newell. Water resources of a portion of the Great Plains / by Robert Hay. --has 2 maps in back pocket. Thick quarto. xix, 598pp. 42 plates (including maps and photographs, some folding, some in color, 2 large folding in rear pocket); 65 text figures. Index. Original dark brown cloth, gilt. A very good copy. A third of this important volume covers "Geology and mining industries of the Cripple Creek District, Colorado," and "Mining Geology of the District" by Whitman Cross and R.A.F. Penrose, Jr. Other topics include, "Geological Reconnaissance Across Idaho;" "Economic Geology of the Mercur Mining District, Utah;" "The Public Lands and Their Water Supply;" and "Water Resources of a Portion of the Great Plains." . 1895. Government Printing Office US
Reference : 22150
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