1882 Washington D.C. : Government Printing Office, 1882.IN4 pleine percaline decorée editeur,lv, 588 pages, [61] leaves of plates (some folded) : illustrations (some color, some folded), maps ; 30 cm.Geologic pocket map present. . Dutton’s report deals with the Grand Canyon, Gilbert’s with the Bonneville flats..Numerous folding maps and charts, some chromolithographs, folding map in rear pocket. Contenu : Report of the director. Tertiary history of the Grand Cañon District / by C.E. Dutton ; The history of Lake Bonneville / by G.K. Gilbert ; Geology of the Eureka District / by Arnold Hague ; Geology of Leadville / by S.F. Emmons ; Geology of the Comstock Lode / by G.F. Becker ; Statistics of coal and iron / by Raphael Pumpelly ; The copper-bearing rocks of Lake Superior / by R.D. Irving ; Precious metal statistics / by Clarence King ; History of the Comstock Lode / by Eliot Lord ; New method of hypsometry / by G.K. Gilbert --Accompanying papers. The physical geology of the Grand Cañon District / by C.E. Dutton ; Contributions to the history of Lake Bonneville / by G.K. Gilbert ; Abstract of report on geology and mining industry of Leadville, Lake County, Colorado / by S.F. Emmons ; A summary of the geology of the Comstock Lode and the Washoe District / by George F. Becker ; Production of the precious metals in the United States / by Clarence King ; A new method of measuring heights by means of the barometer / by G.K. Gilbert.Annual report of the Secretary of the Interior on the operations of the department for the year ended June 30, 1881. 150
Reference : 22149
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