1846 Valenciennes, Lemaitre, 1846, 2e edition (second edition), in-8°,demi basane,dos lisse usé, portrait lithographé frontispiece + viii pp + 569 pp, index,texte frais. L'auteur fut un des premiers à attirer l'attention sur l'importance de la peinture hollandaise du XVIIe siècle.
Reference : 21356
Rare second edition printed in an unspecified small number. The first edition was published in Brussels in 1808 in two volumes. The author (Maastricht 1743-1818) chose a medical career and became a member of the Académie de Bruxelles. In this long study he deals with the formation of a painting collection and its technical aspects such as cleaning , restoration, safeguarding against deterioration etc. He also discusses the merits of different schools of paintings and e.g. the system that ''de Piles'' had devised to judge the quality of paintings. He was one of the first to rehabilitate the 17th century Dutch School of painting which was all but forgotten in the 18th century. (See Éveline Koolhaas-Grosfeld in Septentrion 1987 issue 3, pp 29-39)
Livres Anciens Komar
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33\+ 04 94 63 34 56 ou 09 66 81 34 56 de 14 à 17h., 7/7 jours, seules les commandes au dessus de 30 Euros sont prises en considération pour des raisons de santé, depuis janvier 2023, a condition que le client indique son adresse complete, merci d'eviter les fichiers joints, dans les courriels, en cas d'ouvrages vendus il est répondu par e-mail dans les 48 h. Pour les ouvrages en stock , la confirmation "pret à l'envoi" , est éffectuée par e-mail , téléphone , fax ou courrier , uniquement aprés que les références soient sorties du stock, ce qui peut prendre un temps variable , il est donc préferable d'attendre la confirmation , pour adresser le règlement , port en colissimo direct jusqu'a 30 €, si plus élevée majoré pour le port recommandé - forfait jusqu'à 1 kg. -pour la France . ; pour des commandes superieures a 30 € et jusqu'à 150 €. de commande- frais réels au dessus - assurance obligatoire comprise -les factures pro-forma ne sont adressées , aprés demande , que pour les commandes d'un montant supérieur à 50€ , Règlement uniquement par chéque de banque francaise ou mandat à l'ordre de V.KOMAR CCP. MARSEILLE 1054 82 U. pour virement international veuillez demandez l'IBAN , les reservations sont limitées a 7 jours ouvres, au dela elles ne sont pas garanties, commandes minimales de 30€ provisoirement.
.: Valenciennes, Lemaitre, 1846, 2e edition (second edition), in-8°, lithographed portrait frontispiece + viii pp + 569 pp, index, bound in contemporary half leather, two labels on raised spine, some slight foxing but a fine copy. Rare second edition printed in an unspecified small number. The first edition was published in Brussels in 1808 in two volumes. The author (Maastricht 1743-1818) chose a medical career and became a member of the Académie de Bruxelles. In this long study he deals with the formation of a painting collection and its technical aspects such as cleaning , restoration, safeguarding against deterioration etc. He also discusses the merits of different schools of paintings and e.g. the system that ''de Piles'' had devised to judge the quality of paintings. He was one of the first to rehabilitate the 17th century Dutch School of painting which was all but forgotten in the 18th century. (See Éveline Koolhaas-Grosfeld in Septentrion 1987 issue 3, pp 29-39).
.: Valenciennes, Lemaitre, 1846, 2e edition (second edition), in-8°, lithographed portrait frontispiece + viii pp + 569 pp, index, sewn, original printed wrapper, uncut copy, fine. Rare second edition printed in an unspecified small number. The first edition was published in Brussels in 1808 in two volumes. The author (Maastricht 1743-1818) chose a medical career and became a member of the Académie de Bruxelles. In this long study he deals with the formation of a painting collection and its technical aspects such as cleaning , restoration , safeguarding against deterioration etc. He also discusses the merits of different schools of paintings and e.g. the system that '' de Piles'' had devised to judge the quality of paintings. He was one of the first to rehabilitate the 17th century Dutch School of painting which was all but forgotten in the 18th century. (See Éveline Koolhaas-Grosfeld in Septentrion 1987 issue 3, pp 29-39).