1793 A PARIS BARBOU, (1793.) .in 32mo.reliure pleine basane epoque,dos lisse titre,manque de cuir bas dos et charnieres,texte frais,pagination: 64+64+30 p.,tres rare- le 24 juin 1793, la Convention adopte et promulgue la Constitution de l’An I, la première Constitution républicaine et sociale française. Dans le préambule est énoncée la Déclaration des droits complétant celle du 26 août 1789. Assurément, la Constitution montagnarde de 1793 se singularise par l’élargissement des droits. En effet, aux simples droits formels individuels bourgeois proclamés en 1789, la Constitution de 1793 inclut les droits économiques et sociaux réels, tels que le droit au travail, le droit à la protection sociale, le droit à l’instruction.
Reference : 16725
Monglond, ii, col. 843; not in Martin & Walter. A very nice printing of the 1793 Constitution, with the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. It is the Jacobin constitution for the French Republic, ratified by the Convention on 24 June 1793, approved nationally in a referendum of primary assemblies but never put into effect. The Convention was elected in the summer of 1792 to draft a republican constitution that would replace the monarchical one of 1791. A number of projects were submitted, of which the most influential was the marquis de Condorcet"s, reported on 15 February 1793. After the arrest of the Girondins the Convention voted to debate the constitution each afternoon until agreement was reached. M.-J. Hérault de Séchelles presented a version on 10 June, which was accepted with some modifications on 24 June. The Convention presented the new constitution to France along with a succession of social measures. The democratic language of the constitution was displayed in the context of these Revolutionary laws that abridged hitherto sacrosanct property rights. As literature, the 1793 constitution has an extraordinary power, which found immediate recognition when Hérault de Séchelles read the draft on 10 June. The fact that the revolutionaries of 1848 were inspired by this constitution and that it passed into the ideological armory of the Third Republic is sufficient proof of its power. It represents a fundamental historical document, that contributed much to the later democratic institutions and developments. See at length: Historical Dictionary of the French Revolution, i, pp. 238-242.The "Déclaration des Droits de l"Homme et du Citoyen" was the enactment that placed French constitutional law and social life on a new philosophical basis and became a symbol of the aspirations of Revolutionaries in France and throughout the world in the 1790s and ever since.PHOTOGRAPHIE sur demande,Photo et description sur demande.Picture and description upon request.
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